Chapter 34

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3rd Person P.O.V

As saraith walked away, the guys from cnco came to where becky and sebastian were standing 

"hey wassup" Richard says doing a little dance 

"hey guys, you look handsome," becky says admiring the guys

"and you guys look iconic," joel says making everyone laugh 

they all notice to see who was standing next to them and it was victor

joel immediately felt a burning sensation in his chest and it wasn't the tequila it was pure anger and jealousy 

"can I speak with you" victor says gesturing to Joel 

Joel looks. at him wearily but nods his head and follows him 

"Its hard for me to tell you but I know saraith still loves you and I know she was in the bathroom with you the day of the dinner. look I truly love her but I just don't want to hurt her or myself anymore, and it's clear that you're in love with her. the way she stares at you I wish was the way she stared at me. so please go make her happy and don't hurt her more please. that's all I want to tell you, but please go and declare your love to her before it's late. I give you my blessing" victor says as  Joel looks so intrigued by what the person he dislikes was saying 

"thank you, I just truly never showed her how I felt and the whole Emilia thing wasn't me it was a whole stunt. I just hope we can make up from this and start new" Joel says as both he and victor shake hands 

they go back to where the others were and tell them the plan they made up on the way there. 

after everyone knows the plan they go to their places and wait for the best to come

 ......yall know what happens in the last chapter........

saraiths P.O.V 

"Sebastian," I say looking up 

"whats wrong kiddo" he says as he sits down next to me 

"I... Im scared sebas, like how can I love joel after everything that has happened with us, I love victor but I don't think I can love him in the way he loves me,  sure at first I did like him but its always been joel and I feel bad because Victor was always been there for me and I know I hurt him and I-" I start to break down as I try to explain what I'm feeling but damn I don't even know how I'm feeling 

"hey...hey its okay let it out" Sebastian says as he puts an arm around me protectively 

a couple seconds later I hear his phone ring 

"hey....yeah.... I got her,shes with me right now....Got it , Love you bye" Sebastian talks on the phone as I let everything out 

"it was becky, she wanted to make sure you're okay and safe. you wanna head back or go home" He asks me as he puts his coat around me 

"go home" I say in between sniffles 

We stand up and head to the corner to catch an uber, once the uber gets there we head in and head home. I take in a deep breathe and lean my head on the window as I watch street lights pass by.

" You okay kiddo" Sebastian asks me 

I sigh and nod knowing I was lying to myself 

so many emotions cruising my veins 

after a while we arrive at the house, Sebastian helps me out the car and walks me to the door 

"you got this kiddo, remember follow your heart not your head"

i nod and he hugs me 


sorry for the short chapter, Ik it sucks but 6 more chapters to go!!!!!! 

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