Chapter 8

183 7 8

Joel's P

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Joel's P.O.V

"okay....1...2...3"the lady said 

once she hit three i immediately  take my hands off my face my eyes widen, 

my heart started racing,

 my palms started sweating,

my breathing cut off, 

i felt like my world did a 365 degree turn, the most beautiful being was in front of me. 

When i saw her in that dress i knew it was the one. She looked so stunning so breathe taking like a princess, my princess. i just continue to admire her beauty 

"Joel....joel....joel... JOEL" i feel a smack across my head 

"What" i say confused 

"Go up there and see how the turns are going to look" becky says looking at me like make a move already " y limpiate la baba (clean your drool)" she says laughing 

i go up to where saraith was standing and just admire her beauty 

"you look beautiful princessa" i say twirling her 

"thank you" she say hugging me 

"for what no mas digo la verdad (im just saying the truth)" i say holding onto her 

"thank you for choosing the dress its beautiful" she says letting go. i can tell she was crying because her eye have tears running out of them.

i get my thumb and wipe her tears 

"no llores youre (dont cry) too beautiful to cry" i say cupping her face 

all she does is nod and smile. There goes my heart again speeding up 

"ok can you love birds practice the turns" saras mom says 

all me and sara do is turn lobster red and dont even deny it 

Saraith P.O.V

Once i get out i turn to see everyone shocked. My mom, alejandra, and patty were all crying, becky was giving me a standing ovation, and joel was just staring at me 


"Mija you look beautiful" patty says wiping her tears 

"you do" alejandra agrees 

"Mi amor, mi bebe, te miras como una princessa. mi vida te vas a ver hermosa por favor ya no crezcas mas (my love,my baby you look like a princess. my love stop growing)" my mom says crying 

"mami stop me vas hacer llorar (youre gonna make me cry)" i say tearing up 

my mom comes up and hugs me while we cry together. I swear if we cant control our tears today  imagine the day of the quince all the salon is going to flood. 

Mi Razon De Ser (under reconstruction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang