Chapter 22 pt 1

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Saras P.O.V

"ok 1...2...3" becky says 

"SURPRISE" i hear i look around and see my family members and friends all in my backyard i can feel the vibrations of the banda playing the mexican version of the happy birthday song. Im in utter shock of how beautiful everything looks. the decorations, the vibrant colors, the authenticity it looks like a mexican wonderland 

"Happy Birthday Princessa" my parents come up to me and hug me 

"gracias los amo (thank you so much i love you guys)" i say hugging them with tears in my eyes 

"Now where is my beautiful god daughter" patty says coming to hug me 

"hi madrina (god mother)" i say hugging her 

"happy birthday honey" she says hugging me 

"i left your present in the living room if you want to go see it" she says motioning the door that leads indoors 

"you didnt have to get me anything with you being here is enough" i say hugging her 

she smiles and hugs me again after we let go  and my family members come hug me and wish me a happy birthday 

"Mija quieres que te sirva de comer (do you want me to make you a plate) " joels grandma comes and hugs me 

" No gracias abuelita horita  me sirvo yo voy haber que hay adentro (no thank you ill serve myself right now im just going to go inside)" i say hugging her

she nods and kisses my forehead 

as she heads off with my parents and talks to them i go inside my house 

"y si te vas, quien me dara todo lo...." i hear as i walk towards the living room 

"OH MY GOD YOU GUYS ARE HERE" i scream as i jump into ericks arms 

My boys were here all 5 of them even tho im still a little mad at joel but theyre here and they surprised me 

"SURPRISE" they scream and laugh

i get off ericks arms and hug each and one of them 

"Feliz cumple hermosa (happy birthday beautiful)" christopher says hugging me 

"gracias chris" i say hugging him 

"Happy Birthday home skillet"richard says hugging me 

"thank you richuky" i say hugging him back

"FELIZ CUMPLE HERMANITA HERMOSA (happy birthday beautiful little sister)" zabdiel says hugging me 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEBE" erick says hugging me 

"didnt i hug you already" i ask him

erick just smiles and nods making me laugh 

"Happy Birthday my beautiful princess"joel comes up to me holding a bouquet of  red roses 

"thank you" i say hugging him letting his cologne fill the air around me 

i feel his arms wrap around me while the feeling of safety and love embraces me 

yes im mad at him but i can argue with him about it another day 

"im sorry" he says into my hair 

"its okay lets talk about it another day" i say letting go off him and giving him a small smile 

"Bueno se apuran tengo hambre (well can you guys hurry up im hungry" chris says as he claps to get out attention 

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