Chapter 9

131 4 8

Sara's P.O.V

2 days

 2 Damn fucking days 

that i cant take you out of my mind 

2 damn days 

where my i still feel your soft lips against mine 

2 days

 where my heart beats to the sound of your name.

Joel Pimentel De Leon 

what did you do to me 

My heart breaks not having you close

It hurts to the point where I wanna cry because i miss you

I know im being a little exaggerated because its only been 2 days but those boys had a huge impact in my life.

Today is tuesday which means its my first quince practice without them and idk how ima do it without the boys. It currently 4:30 and im laying down on the couch watching a the originals

let me just say NIKLAUS MIKAELSON can get it anyday

anyways i was watching klaus cry over how he feels left behind my poor baby 😢 I started crying because its so sad too see him feel like the black sheep. 

As i continue being a cry baby i hear my phone ring next to me

i look at the screen and its a incoming call from zabdi. i smile so big that i look like cheshire cat

i answer the call and immediately  4 idiots appear on the screen

"SARAITHH" i see Zabdi,Richard,Erick and Chris waving at the camera


"Nosotros te extrañamos muchisimo tambien (we miss you so much more)"zabdi says with all the guys nodding behind him 

"por que lloras corazon (why are you crying love)" erick asks me with a worried tone

"por que mi novio esta llorando (because my boyfriend is crying)" i say looking a klaus crying on the screen 

all the guys go wide eye and quiet

"NOVIO (BOYFRIEND)" i hear someone yell in the background running and taking the camera away from the guys

It was joel who looked pale,hurt,and his eyes beginning to crystallize

"NOOO mensos(idiots) im watching show" i say turning the camera towards the tv

they all sigh in relief and joel is still not moving

"aye mami casi haces que joel se muera (aye mami you want to give joel a heart attack)" zabdiel says laughing taking the phone back and putting it on the desk

Joel still looks pale and is still. Okay im starting to worry

"JOEY are you okay" i ask him

he nods his head and slowly gains back conscious

"yeah im better now, but that was mean" he says pouting his lip

I just laugh and shake my head

"well i wouldve finished but you interrupted me" i say raising my eyebrow at him

"Bueno y como esta mexico (well hows mexico)" i ask them ready for their amazing stories

"Hermosooo (beautiful)" they all say

"Y la comida deliciosa (and the food is delicious)" chris says rubbing his stomach

"Chris no mas piensas en comer (all you think is in food)" i say laughing

Mi Razon De Ser (under reconstruction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя