3: An Unlikely Hero

Start from the beginning

"Go get yourself a life and stop preying on girls half your age!" he roared "Get out of here! Get some manners too while you're at it!"

The drunk man let go of me and fumbled out of the club mumbling something I couldn't quite hear. He was too drunk to try and talk back successfully.

"Hey, are you alright?" The voice called out.

"Y-yes, thank you very much." I said feeling violated. Turning around to find the voice, I was amazed to find the owner of it.

It was the boy from the shop, the boy from the street that I saw with his friends. My mouth fell open as I stood there stunned. His dark brown hair was not covering his face this time and I could see his same-colored eyes. He wore a black leather jacket and a nice causal black shirt. Honestly, he was beautiful, I had never used that word before truthfully, but this time it was as true as ever.

"Hi there." He said giving me a toothy green "Are you sure you're ok? Do you need anything?" The concern in his voice brought me comfort. 

"Well, if I'm being honest, no I'm not alright. But things could've been way worse if you weren't here." I said wiping my tears away from my eyes.

"I'm sorry that happened to you. But, if it makes you feel any better, I'm sure that creepy old man will be banned from here for quite some time. He paused. "Oh and by the way, I'm George." He smiled again putting out his hand.

"I'm Ella." I spoke softly shaking it. "Ella Matthews."

"That's a pretty name, it suits you."

I felt my cheeks heat up, "Thanks George."

"So Ella, are you here with anyone?"

"Well yes, I'm here with my friend Lucy. She is just in the bathroom right now but I'm sure she'll be out soon enough."

"That's good. Say Ella, I've seen you around. But, do you live here or are you just a visitor?"

"I've lived here all my life, it's funny how I didn't know of you until today."

"Yeah, it's a shame. I know I'm taking us off of the topic now but, are you sure you don't need anything? Are you hurt? If you are I can help." He said rubbing my arm.

"Actually he did hurt my wrist and arms, as you see. Oh, and he slapped my face..."

George suddenly walked away and came back with a cold cloth. 

"Y'know Ella, I'm not really an expert at these things but I think this will help."

He led me over to a booth and sat beside me wrapping the cloth carefully around my arm. I gazed at him, blushing profusely. When he was done he looked up at me too and we caught eyes. It seemed to last forever. He broke silence.

"Ella, I don't want that guy following you home. Do you mind if I walk you home tonight?" He asked slowly.

"I'd love that, Lucy wouldn't mind either." I grinned looking down. He tilted my chin up until we were at eye-level.

"Well, go ask then."

I walked over to Lucy and without hesitation she said she was fine with it. When George heard the information he picked up an almost hidden dark guitar case and led me out the door. We walked for quite some time in silence.

"So, why do you have a guitar George?" I politely questioned.

"Oh yeah. I play in a band called the Quarrymen and we were on stage before you came in."

"That's cool, I should come see a show sometime!" I said excitedly.

"I'd love that."

We walked for a few more short minutes and arrived at my tall house. He grabbed both of my arms and whispered to me.

"Ella, I hope to see you again soon. But if you really want, we can meet up at that new coffee shop two streets down." He asked hesitantly.

"George, I'd love that. Does tomorrow at 12 work?"

"Yep, tomorrow it is. See you then!" He gave me one last squeeze from his hands to mine and left.

Blushing more then I ever had before I walked into my house, pulled off my shoes and walked upstairs to get ready for bed. I grabbed my journal and began to write down everything that had happened. I fell asleep just as I finished and had the most amazing dreams. And, I'm sure you can imagine who they were about too.

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