Abnus, Goddess of Fear (Final Boss) [Fear the Shadows Arc End]

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Abnus, Goddess of Fear

Abnus is well known to be vile and power hungry. She believes to truly become god is to rule all. She is a trickster and a seductress as well.


Powers: Black Hole creation, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Magic, Dark Matter manipulation, Persuasion, Seduction, Shadow Spawn summoning, shadow parasite (can turn humans, dead or alive, into shadow spawns), Darkness mimicry and Umbrakinesis

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Black Hole creation, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Magic, Dark Matter manipulation, Persuasion, Seduction, Shadow Spawn summoning, shadow parasite (can turn humans, dead or alive, into shadow spawns), Darkness mimicry and Umbrakinesis.

Darkness-related weapons.

Light and Holy Magic/Weapons


Boss fight Scenario:
You finally reach the church of the Black Hand that Abnus took shelter in, you see her sitting on a throne where Achlys once sat in.

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