Calypso (Female)

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Name: "My name's Claire McKinley, nice to meet you."

Alias: "I gave myself the name Calypso, like the Greek nymph."

Alignment: "I'm a hero, so I'm good."

Class/Rank: "I'm recently new, Sabre said I have potential." (Class B, Rank 1)

Affiliation: "Juvenile Pack."

Age: "I'm 16."

Gender: "Female. I'm sure it's obvious."

Species: "I wish I was a goddess." *giggles* "I'm human."

Ethnicity: "I'm French."

Sexuality: "Straight... I don't know why people thought I was bi."

Personality: Claire is sociable, energetic and talkative. She is kind and sympathetic to everyone, even the villains and antiheroes.

Occupation: "When I'm not a hero, I do work at Papa Johns." *chuckles*

Relationship Status: "I'm single."

Romantic Interests: "I'm not really interested in anyone."

Costume Looks:

Costume Looks:

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Normal Looks:

Superpower: Blue Fire Generation

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Superpower: Blue Fire Generation

Weapon/Gadgets: Armored Bodysuit.

Weakness: She's not as strong with her powers unlike Jess.

Likes: She likes going out, making friends and fighting crime.

Dislikes: Being forced to kill someone and fighting against a friend.

Backstory: Claire discovered her powers when she accidentally burned her school down. She met Jessie Flame who trained her.

- Debra McKinley=Mother
- Jonathan McKinley=Father
- Jessie Flame/Phoenix=Mentor

Theme Song: Focus by Ariana Grande.

Hero Scenario: You are at the Juvenile Pack HQ and you saw a new face.

Villain Scenario: You were sneaking into a dojo in Vietnam and then Calypso stops you.

Antihero Scenario: You saw Calypso and assumed she's a newbie, you decide to sneak up on her.

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