Crimson Cloak (Female)

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Name: "Anna Rider... from the looks of you, you don't look pleased to meet me."

Alias: "Not Riding Hood... Crimson Cloak."

Alignment: Antihero

Class/Rank: Class S, Rank 25

Affiliation: "I go solo."

Age: "25 years old."

Gender: "You must be a real idiot... female."

Species: "Human... you really are stupid."

Ethnicity: "American."

Sexuality: *chuckles* "Bisexual."

Personality: Initially cold, sometimes hostile. Sometimes showing a warmer and friendlier side overtime."

Occupation: "Assassin... so don't test me." (Also secretly a stripper)

Relationship Status: "Not interested."

Romantic Interests: "not interested."

Costume Looks:

Costume Looks:

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Normal Looks:

Superpower: "I don't have powers, but it doesn't mean I can't fight

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Superpower: "I don't have powers, but it doesn't mean I can't fight."

Weapon/Gadgets: Broadsword, hacking device, different types of grenades and grapple gun. She also has a pet werewolf.

Weakness: Only people who are skilled in martial arts may be able to beat her. She can be beaten by strong superpowered beings.

Likes: Sweets, chocolate, blades, dogs/wolves, fighting and Riding Hood.

Dislikes: Dark Hood, criminals and scumbag heroes.

Backstory: She used to be the first sidekick of Dark Hood until she was captured by Blade Whip and died in an explosion. She was presumed dead but was actually taken by Dark Samurai who brought her back to life. She became Crimson Cloak after that.

- Father=Deceased
- Mother= Deceased
- Red Rider/Riding Hood=Sister
- Dark Hood/Cardo De Leon= Ex Mentor

Theme Song: Imagine Dragons-Demons Remix by Dastan

Hero Scenario: You walked around Chicago and accidentally bumped into a red haired girl.

Antihero Scenario: You lost a fight against Crimson Cloak after attempting to fight her.

Villain Scenario: You on the ground injured from Crimson Cloak.

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