Red Scarlet (Female)

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Name: "Don't recognize me, huh? Well, I guess I'll introduce myself. I'm Red Rider!"

Alias: "I quit being Riding Hood a while ago. Red Scarlet is my new name!"

Alignment: Lawful Hero

Class/Rank: Class S, Rank 10

- The Juvenile Pack (Leader)
- Dark Hood Family

Age: 22 years old

Gender: Female

Species: Abnormal

Ethnicity: American

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Outgoing, social, friendly, nice, easy to talk to, empathetic, sympathetic, foxy and has an older sister-like personality.

Occupation: Hero and Company CEO

Relationship Status: "I'm single."

Romantic Interests: "I dint really have any interests in anyone."

Costume Looks:

Costume Looks:

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Normal Looks:

Superpower: Spirit Wolf Summoning

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Superpower: Spirit Wolf Summoning

Weapon/Gadgets: Grapple Gun, Portable Bo Staff, Grappling Gun, smoke pellets, flash grenades, Hacking device.

Likes: Sweets, martial arts, volunteering, cooking and crime fighting.

Dislikes: Killing, bullying, death and Mister Cruel.

Backstory: Her parents were killed during a terrorist attack. Red and her sister were left as orphans until Cardo De Leon adopted them. Cardo revealed his identity as Dark Hood to Red to make her his new sidekick after a year since Anna's death.

- Benjamin Rider=Father (Deceased)
- Barbara Rider=Mother(Deceased)
- Anna Rider/Crimson Cloak=Sister
- Cardo De Leon/Dark Hood=Adoptive Father

Theme Song: Red Like Roses Part II

Hero Scenario: You were meeting with Dark Hood and saw Red Scarlet with him.

Antihero/Villain Scenario: You were being chased by who you thought was Crimson Cloak, But when she crashed down on you, you realize it's someone else.

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