Dark Enigma (Female)

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Name: Katana Bane

Alias: Dark Enigma

Alignment: Villain

Class/Rank: X Class, Rank 14

Affiliation: None

Age: 30 years old

Gender: Female

Species: Dathomirian

Ethnicity: Not Classified

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: An introvert, somewhat extrovert and dominant personality.

Occupation: Assassin

Relationship Status: Single

Romantic Interests: Nega Azazel


Superpower: Telekinesis

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Superpower: Telekinesis

Weapon/Gadgets: Utility belt, impenetrable skin-tight body suit. Swords and guns.

Weakness: Say her full name

Likes: N/A

Dislikes: N/A

Backstory: She was adopted by a human family and wasn't treated well. It didn't take long for her to break and kill her adoptive family. She became an assassin at the age of 15.

Theme Song: Don't Test Me by XXXTentacion

Hero Scenario: You were guarding the cell where they keep Azazel until you heard an explosion from inside.

Villain Scenario: You were at the assassin association and you saw Dark Enigma.

Antihero Scenario: You saw a girl with horns coming out of her head, walking alone at night.

Age of Heroes (Superhero Role Play)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora