Being Told

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(Your POV)

I had been sleeping when I heard my boyfriend, James yelling at me. "Y/N. WAKE UP. GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!" I shook awake and sat up and rubbed me eyes. "Y/N!" James yelled from outside the bedroom. I got up and opened the door. "What now James?" I asked him defeated. "Your dumb fucking dog pissed in the floor." James said while holding Rhett by his scruff. "He's just a puppy, James. He hasn't learned yet." James looked at me with evil eyes. "What did you just say to me?" He said while he dropped Rhett from his hand. He walked over to me and said, "What. Did. You. Say?" He said getting closer. "I said he's just a puppy, James." James raised his arm and hit me very hard. " 'He's just a puppy.' Hah. He should learn not to piss on the floor. Now clean it up." James said while grabbing my wrist and throwing me towards the puddle. James walked into the bedroom and slammed the door. After cleaning up the puddle, I walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror to see all the cuts and bruises all over my arms and face. I look at the new cut and bruise on my eye and I get a rag and wet it. I put it over my eye and I hear a small whine. I look on the floor to see my German Shepherd puppy. I kneel and he comes to me. "It wasn't your fault, Rhett. It's not your fault." I said to him with a soft voice. I pick him up and walk over to the front door. I grab a leash and put it on him. I opened the door and heard "Where are you going?" Behind me. "On a walk. To teach my 'Dumb Dog' how to piss outside." I say while slamming the door. It was a half lie. I wasn't just going on a walk, I was walking Rhett and going to the boys' house. I was walking for a bit when I felt a tug. I turn around to look to see Rhett sniffing the ground and getting ready to pee. "Good boy!" I say with a smile. When he was done I started to walk again and saw Mully's house. I knock on the door and shortly afterwards the door opens. It's not a Mully, but it is an Eddie! "Hey Y/N!" He says with a smile, but then his smile transferred to a frown. "What the hell did James do now." He said. Eddie let me in and I walked over to the couch to see all the boys sitting there looking at me. All of them had pissed faces and I said, "I was sleeping and he yelled for me. I got up to open the door and he looked at me and said that my 'dumb dog' pissed on the floor." I say while looking at Rhett on the ground sleeping. I smile and continue. "I told him that he's just a puppy and isn't potty trained and he walked over to me and hit me very hard and walked into the bedroom. I then left and came here with Rhett." I finished and I smiled. They all looked at me with angry eyes and Gaege said, "I'm fucking done with you getting abused." While he stands up. "No, Gaege." He looks at me and Narrator says, "But he keeps hurting you. He shouldn't." "I know he shouldn't, but he does, and I don't want you guys getting hurt." I say with a smile. Eddie and Josh were about to say something but then my phone went off. I look at it.

James: Where the hell are you. You should be back by now.

I look at the guys and say, "I should be going now." Gaege looks at me and says, "I'll come with you to the door." All the guys look at me with worried and sad eyes. I stand up with Gaege holding my back. He opens the door for me and walks out with me. Gaege closes the door. "If you ever need me, I'll be right here." He says to me with a comforting smile. His eyes are soft and loving. He hugs me and kisses me on the cheek. I smile a genuine smile and walk away. "If he hits you again, I'll kill him." I turn to look at him and he had a genuine smile. I smile and turn and walk away.

(Time skip at home)

I open the door to see James. He looked up and says, "Oh Y/N! I was so worried!" He said to me with a "sincere" voice. James kissed me and smiled. "Are you ok?" He asked me. I look at him and give him a 'yes' look. He smiles as I walk away with the leash. I unleash Rhett and he runs away and plays with a toy. James walks over to me and sits on the couch. He pats the couch next to him and says, "Sit." With a smile. I look at him hesitantly and sit. "So. I was thinking that we could leave Australia and live in the U.S." James said to me. He expected me to smile and say yes, but I didn't. I look at him with confused eyes. "Why?" I ask him. "Because. I don't like you talking with those boys. I think they all are weird for being best friends and always hanging out. It's kinda gay." James says with a half smile and laugh. I didn't laugh. Those are my friends. "I don't want to move." I say with sad eyes. "Well, you're going to." James said tired of me. He grabbed my wrist and said, "I love you." He kissed me again and I was thinking while he was trying to take my shirt off. While he was, I was thinking about leaving the guys and I was sad. I kinda shoved James away and he looked at me. "You like this." He said assumingly as he pulled my pants off.

Helllloooooo!! This is my new story I thought of. I may make a sequel to the other story, or I may not. I may not since this one is a JuicyFruitSnacks fanfiction. Well, I really liked the JoshDub one I made. I hope you liked this first part of this story about JuicyFruitSnacks. Bye, love ya!

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