Chapter 4

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The Sunday sun peers through Reese's slightly open blinds, brightening her mild green walls. Her original laminated artwork glistens on the walls and small portion of the ceiling. Aaliyah rolls around a little, unwilling to let the light wake her up. The TV was already turned off. She looks into the white, old fashioned vanity to the right of the bed and sees her scarf had fallen off her head while she was asleep. Ready to accept that it was her time to rise, Aaliyah pulls the thick comforter off and realizes Reese is no longer next to her.

Curious about Reese's whereabouts, Aaliyah fully drags herself out of bed. She forces her eyes to withstand the light while she checks herself in Reese's vanity. Her braids are frizzy, but fine for 9a.m. After checking herself in the mirror she starts making her way down the narrow hallway and towards the open kitchen and living room. Aaliyah couldn't help, but notice the savory scent of bacon and eggs flooding the area. There she noticed Reese and her mother in the kitchen: her father was watching the news in the living room a couple feet away.

"Morning sweet pea." Reese's mother welcomes Aaliyah with a smile. "We're making eggs, bacon, and toast."

"Good morning Mrs. and Mr. Harris." Aaliyah mumbles through a yawn.

"Glad to see you finally woke up. I was starting to get worried." Reese pushes her way past Aaliyah teasingly.

"Hahaha" Aaliyah started sarcastically. "Why are y'all even up so early?"

"Thought we'd make you a decent breakfast on your last day at Casa de Harris." Reese smiles.

"Just wanted to finish your stay right." Mrs Harris gives a wrinkly beam.

"Plus, Pops was hungry. Ain't that right Pops?" Reese yells over to her father in the living room.

"Gwendalin, you gotta see this! Look at all this damned propaganda. Nobody tells it to you straight no more." Mr Harris seethed.

"Oh shut up Marcus. You know damn well nothing changed since it was us growing up." Mrs. Harris chuckles.

"Goddammit the remotes dead! Anyway, good morning Aaliyah. I hope you slept well." Mr Harris switches his mood with the commercial break.

"Morning Mr. Harris." Aaliyah projects over the TV.

"You spoke to your parents lately?" Reese quizzes.

"No, but they know where I'm at." Aaliyah pouts her lip with apathy.

"Marcus and I want to call them this afternoon, so they can snatch you after lunch." Mrs Harris offered. "Reese would be busy getting her things back together for school."

"Oh, well in that case I could just take the bus. I'd hate to bother them." Aaliyah practically sucks the eggs off her plate.

"Are you sure Aaliyah? I mean we're sure you can handle yourself, but it feels like that'd be impolite." Mr. Harris joins them in the kitchen.

"You don't have to insist, I can call them if that makes you both feel more comfortable and they can tell you themselves. It's fine for me to take the bus." Aaliyah fidgets on the stool.

"I don't know, Marcus and I know how involved they are" Mrs. Harris starts.

"You know what? Gwendalin, she's a big girl. Just make sure you shoot us a text when you get home." Mr. Harris nods in approval.

The house was cold, quiet, nothing unusual for the atmosphere the couple had developed days before. Neither of them had gotten over it at this point. It didn't make things any easier that every minor inconvenience they faced between Thursday night and this Saturday morning became its own sub category fight leading back up to the umbrella topics. Bills, money, work, chores, insecurities, their child, or just their marriage in general. They had separated for the greater good, Mr. Moore volunteered to take the couch as an attempt to avoid being forced down there. The grey curtains covered each window frame completely, and all the lights were off, but somehow the white light from the cloudy sky still managed to seep in.

"Afternoon." Mrs. Moore mumbled as she walked into the kitchen.

Mr. Moore had no response.

"Oh, I forgot we're children. My mistake." Mrs. Moore nagged.

"Is there something you need Elaine? Something that involves aggravating me in order to get it done?" Mr. Moore quizzed sardonically.

"You make me laugh. Don't flatter yourself, I came down to grab some popcorn." Mrs. Moore responded coldly.

"Oh popcorn. Do you find our marriage failing entertaining? Sorry to say I don't feel the same." Mr. Moore sneered in distaste.

"Don't be so over dramatic. You say that like you're implying we'll divorce." Mrs. Moore made light of.

Mr Moore chortles. "As if we were to be so lucky. Especially with Aaliyah." He continued to find amusement in the situation. "We both already know we're stuck for life."

"That's a funny way to put it being you seeked me out. Feels like I should be the one saying that." Mrs. Moore curled up her top lip.

"Here we go, look out everyone! She's about to start her favorite story again." He looked around the kitchen faking a shocked expression.

"Cheap shot. If you're familiar with it you should hold your tongue next time."

"Oh, I will. Not that that'll be the first time I've had to do that for the sake of you."

"Right." Mrs. Moore dragged the word out sarcastically. "I just don't have the capacity for your prematurity right now Willis."

"Of course, of course. Understandable babe. I wouldn't expect you to challenge your comfort zone for the sake of me or how I feel. Keep doing what you're doing." Mr. Moore's eyes glared sharply at Mrs. Moore.

Mrs. Moore made her way to the pantry and grabbed out a bag of cheddar flavored popcorn before attempting to make her exit. "I don't know if it's impossible for you to comprehend that I didn't choose this life for me. My life has been entirely tailored so you can fit in it." Mrs Moore's eyes appear lifeless as she scorches him with her words.

"Well I'm so damn sorry Elaine! I'm so sorry I tried to provide a life for my wife! I'm so sorry that all that we-" He narrowed his eyes at her further. "I mean I tried to do for us backfired completely leaving you in a place you don't want. Is this what you want? You want me to just claim the title 'bad husband' and take all the blame for this shit? Elaine, I'd expect better than for you to feed yourself such lies." Mr. Moore's pleads quickly turned into venom.

"How about some popcorn instead? There should be another bag in there if you're hungry." Mrs. Moore sneered as she spun on her heels to return to their bedroom.

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