Chapter 28: Just a Girl and a Boy

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I was beginning to grow concerned when all of a sudden, "GOTCHA!" Patrick jumped out of the water and grabbed me.

I screamed in surprise then started laughing as he was tickling me while also splashing water at me, "Ok! Ok ok I yield! I yield! Patrick put me down,"

"Alright alright," but then he lightly threw me back into the water. I came back up spitting out some water along the way. Patrick swam back over to where I was.

For some reason, at that moment I then became incredibly self conscious. Damnit, why can't I be as pretty as the other girls he knows? I looked away from Patrick nervously.

"Anna? Anna, look at me. Please," I felt his hand reach for my chin and bring it up so that I was looking at him with my bright green eyes. He sighed "I know what's going through your mind and it's not true,"

"What are you a mind reader now?"

"No and you know what I meant. Yes, you might not be one of the girls that you would normally see me at school with, but that doesn't mean I don't want this. You're beautiful, smart, funny, brave, and well ridiculously stubborn. But I like you, I have for a long time now and you know that,"

"So. I've seen and heard the rumours Patrick. I don't want this to be some joke to y--" I was cut off by him grabbing my face and kissing me. At first I was still and didn't move. But then I relaxed and opened up to him, kissing him back. It felt like fireworks had exploded and there was a new feeling in my stomach. As if there were tiny fish in my stomach wiggling their tails back and forth. It was an amazing feeling.

After we broke apart I just stared at him in a bit of shock. He laughed, "If I had known you were that good of a kisser, I would've kissed you sooner. Just sayin'"

I blushed and then playfully splashed a bit of water at him and turned around, "Shut up,"

He then grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back against him. "Make me,"

I was about to when I felt his finger go down my back stopping at one of the many scars that now littered my back. I sighed, "Patrick don't,"

"Anna, I-I what happened,"

"I don't want to talk about it. God why does fucking everyone want me to talk about it?!" I said while swimming away, back to the shore

"Hey, hey, hey! I wasn't gonna make you talk about it. I was just speaking aloud what was in my head," he said while pulling me back to him

I sighed and gave up trying to fight his grip. Instead, I wrapped my legs around his waist and leaned my in the crook of his neck "I just- I wanted to be just a girl and a boy on a date without a care in the world. Is that so wrong?"

"After what you've been through, no," we were silent for a second, "Come on. Let's just enjoy what we have going on here for a little while then go back to reality. Let us be just a boy and a girl enjoying each others company for a bit,"

"But I have a war strategy to finalise and you have training to do,"

"Can't that wait," said Patrick in between kisses on my neck

I groaned, "Fine. One hour then we're walking back,"

"Deal," he said then kissed me again and I laughed.

After an hour had passed we swam back to shore and I used a bit of my fire magic to dry us off somewhat. Once we were as dry as I could make us we got dressed and then walked back to the tent hand in hand. It was a nice walk back as the sun was setting.

"So I guess I'm your boyfriend then," he said laughing. I didn't respond, "Anna? What is it?"

I looked away from him. How can I tell him that Edmund is technically in the picture as well

"It's Edmund, isn't it? Now that he's here you don't know what to do? Tell me I'm wrong"

"Patrick, it's not that simple,"

"Yes it is. He's a dead guy and I'm not. What's the problem?"

"There is no problem. What no. Ugh. It's just that... there's something there. I don't know what but it's there. Just give me time to figure it out, ok?"

"Yeah sure. I'm not happy about it but I understand,"

I stopped walking and looked up at him, "Thank you. It means a lot," I stood on my tiptoes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled at that. "Well I have to go figure out this battle plan so I guess I'll see you in the morning?"

"Yeah sure," I started to turn away, "Hey wait a sec," I turned back around and then he kissed me. It was a short and sweet kiss. "Just a reminder of what you'll be missing if you don't pick me,"

I laughed, "Alright, I'll consider it. Good night Patrick,"

"Night Anna," he turned and walked away back to his shared tent with the rest of the guys. I watched him go. But then something caught my eye.

It was Edmund and he was staring at me. He had seen Patrick and I kiss. Ed. Ed wait!" I say as I walked toward him. But he stormed off in the direction of his tent. I just stopped going after him, not wanting to deal with this tonight. "Fuck," I said under my breath. Fuck fuck fuck. What have I done? I need to figure this out. Am I with Patrick or am I with Edmund? I guess only I can figure this one out. I thought to myself as I slowly walked back to my tent for the evening. I knew that for the rest of the night the same thought would be running around in my mind, Patrick or Edmund?

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