Pinkberry - Sweatshirt

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Requested by @aweb1122 - thank you so much for your requests idk how you come up with all of these ideas, i is jealous

"Brooooke" Chloe groaned as she tried to free herself from her girlfriends grip. Brooke had her arms around Chloes neck and her legs wrapped around her torso. Chloe had been trying to break out of her hold for the last five minutes. 

"Noooo" Brooke finally let go of her girlfriend. She looked up at Chloe, tears threatening to pour out of her eyes at any moment. Chloe was leaving to visit her family in Paris for a whole month. 

"Brookie it will be ok, I promise. I will call or text you every single day, and I'll send a lot of pictures. I'll bring you back anything you want, ok?" Chloe knew that Brooke had severe separation anxiety, so she was trying her best to calm her girlfriends nerves. Broke nodded as a tear fell down her cheek. Chloe reached down and wiped the tear with her thumb. She moved closer to Brooke and connected their lips. More tears started to pour from Brookes eyes as she realized this was the last kiss with Chloe she would have for a month. Chloe pulled Brookes head into her chest, hugging her as tight as she could. Chloe could feel Brookes tears saturating her shirt as tears of her own started to form in Chloes eyes. 

"CHLOE LETS GO" Mr. Valentine yelled from the car. Chloe let go of Brooke and put her hands on the shorter girls shoulders. 

"I love you Brooke, I'll be back before you know it." Chloe pecked Brookes lips and ran to the car. She climbed in and waved through the window at Brooke. 

"I love you Chlo" Brooke whispered as she waved back. She stood in her driveway crying long after the car was gone. She slowly walked back into her house and up to her room. She flopped down onto her bed and stared at her ceiling, until she had an idea. She raced back down to her driveway and started her car. She sped to Chloes house and jumped out of her car. She quickly approached the front door where she used the key that Chloe had given her. She opened the door and went up to Chloes room. 

Chloes room was neat and simple, unlike Brookes room that was an explosion of different colors and objects. Brooke walked over to the closet and searched for a sweatshirt. She found Chloes favorite sweatshirt, light pink with a single red rose stitched onto it. Brooke put it on and smiled, it smelled like Chloe. Brooke looked at herself in the mirror and giggled. Chloe was significantly taller that she was, so the sweatshirt went down to her mid thigh and the sleeves were inches longer than her arms, making her look ridiculous. She grabbed a few  more pieces of Chloes wardrobe including, t-shirts, sweatpants, and more sweatshirts. Brooke sat on Chloes bed when she heard her phone go off. She looked down and smiled. 

Chlo❤️: hey brookie im about to take off! I love you babe <3

Brookie Bear🍯: I love you so much chlo, text me as soon as you land!

Brooke returned home and layed in her bed. She was still wearing Chloes sweatshirt and was holding the rest of her clothes tightly to her chest. She smiled because she could smell Chloes scent on the clothes. Brooke fell asleep with a smile on her face, 30 more days until I'm with Chloe. 

This is kinda short sowwy

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