Parrlyn - Popcorn

412 28 14

TW: swearing

It was 3am and Anne was hungry. This was usual for the tall girl, she was always eating something. (@ Cathy lol) Anne decided that she would go find a snack downstairs. She quietly made her way downstairs and into the kitchen. Quite loudly, she started going through the pantry and fridge. She grabbed a bag of popcorn from the top shelf and began to read the instructions. 

"Shit." Anne said as she tried to read the instructions. Anne was dyslexic, so she wasn't the best at reading. She thought about going back upstairs to get Cathy's help, but Anne wanted to prove that she could do this in her own. Jane never let her into the kitchen because Anne always created a mess for Jane to clean. Anne approached the microwave and thought, how hard can this really be, I've got this. Turns out she did not in fact "got this". 

Anne slowly placed the bag of popcorn into the microwave and set the timer for 4 minutes. She closed the door and hit start. She watched as the machine started to spin the bag around. She turned her head quickly when she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. 

"Babe what the hell are you doing?" Cathy approached Anne with her arms out, wanting a hug. Anne pulled the short girl into her chest. They stayed in this embrace until Cathy looked up at the microwave. 

"ANNE! THE MICROWAVE IS ON FIRE!" Cathy shouted, probably waking the entire house. Cathy quickly got a cup, filled it with water and threw it on the burning snack. She took a closer look at the bag and realized that Anne hadn't taken the plastic wrap off of the bag. 

"Babe did you even read the directions!" Cathy yelled at Anne as she picked up the now black bag of popcorn. Anne's eyes began to water. She was very insecure about her dyslexia and she hated when people yelled at her. 

"I- I tried to" Anne said, her voice barely a whisper,

"No Anne I didn't mean it come here" Cathy tried to walk towards her girlfriend, but Anne turned and ran up to her room. Cathy stayed in the kitchen for a moment, looking at the microwave that was now brunt and black on the inside. Janes gonna kill us for this. 

Cathy ran up the stairs and into Anne's room. She didn't stop to knock on the door, and it wasn't locked. She walked into the room and saw Anne laying in her bed, back to the door. Cathy could hear her crying and slowly walked over to the bed. She layed down next to Anne and wrapped her arms around her. 

"Babe I didn't mean to yell, the fire stressed me out. It will not happen again and I am so sorry" Anne turned her body so that she was facing Cathy now. 

"It's ok, I'm sorry about the microwave." Anne cuddled into Cathys chest. She hadn't realized how tired she really was until now. 

"I love you so much Annie"

"I love you too Cathy"

The girls fell asleep in each other's arms and stayed that way until 6am when they heard Jane. 


Pinkberry and Parrlyn one shotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora