Pinkberry - Always

248 12 18

TW: shooting, death, blood, homophobia

Brooke intertwined her arm with Chloes as the pair walked down the street. They were going to get a fancy dinner to celebrate their one year anniversary. The two girls met in high school and were best friends, but lost contact throughout college. By fate, the found each other after college and became friends again. Chloe eventually confessed to liking Brooke, and now they've been married for a whole year. 

They were walking when Chloe stopped and faced Brooke. She grabbed her face and pulled her in for a kiss. Brooke wrapped her arms around Chloes waist and melted into the kiss. 

"What was that for" Brooke asked as they pulled away.

"Nothing, just a reminder of how much I love you" Chloe smiled and kissed Brookes forehead.

They started walking again when Brooke felt someone grab her arm with enough force to make her cry out in pain. The man began to drag Brooke into an alleyway, hidden from other pedestrians.

"CHLOE!" Brooke tried to escape the mans grip, but it was too tight. 

"BROOKE!" Chloe ran after Brooke and the man, she would not let anybody hurt Brooke. 

All of the sudden Chloe heard silence. She couldn't hear Brooke fighting or screaming anymore. She turned the corner and saw Brooke sitting in the ground, terrified. The man had a gun pointed at her. Chloe froze. She didn't know what she should do. The man looked at Chloe and pointed the gun at her. 

"Come sit by your girlfriend you lesbo" 

"She is my wife" Chloe couldn't believe what was happening. Did she really just correct the man with a gun? 

"You are disgusting. This relationship isn't normal and it is a sin!" The man ran to Chloe and grabbed her arm. Her dragged her in front of Brooke. Without warning, he kissed Chloe. Both Brooke and Chloe were crying. Chloe fought out of the mans grip and repeatedly wiped off her lips and face. 

"See baby that's how it should be. Boys kiss girls." He shoved Chloe down next to Brooke. The pair sat, huddled together leaning against the hard, brick wall. 

Chloe grabbed Brookes hand and whispered in her ear, "Brookie when I say run, you have to run, fast, and do not turn around."

"No Chlo I am not going to leave you with this psycho."

"Brooke please, run and go get help. I'm going to distract him. I love you." As Chloe whispered this she stood up and ran towards the man.

"BROOKE RUN" Chloe yelled as she tackled the man to the ground. Brooke stood up and ran, she ran out of the alley and into the street. 

"PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME AND MY WIFE ARE BEING ATTACKED!" This caught the attention of a coffee shop owner and they called 911 for Brooke. Then Brooke heard it. The gunshot. She sprinted back into the alley, not prepared for what she was about to see. 

Chloe and the man were standing, facing each other with shocked looks on their faces. Brooke watched as her wife slowly fell to her knees. The man turned and ran, but Brooke didn't care. She ran to her wife and caught her before the rest of her body hit the ground. 

"Brookie..." Chloe whispered as Brooke pulled the taller girl into her arms. 

"Shh Chloe it's ok I'm right here. You're going to be ok, just save your strength and stay alive" Brooke looked down to Chloes stomach and saw the wound. It had already turned Chloes white shirt red. Brooke took off her yellow jacket and pressed it to the wound. She didn't care if it got ruined, all she cared about was saving her wife. She heard the sirens in the distance and knew that help would be there soon. Tears were already pouring from her eyes. 

"Chloe baby help is almost here just hang on ok?"

"Brookie...I'm so tired" Chloe could barely get the words out. She could feel her eye lids getting heavier. 

Brooke looked down and saw her wife's blood all over her hands. She couldn't loose Chloe. Chloe was the reason she woke up everyday, the reason that she was always laughing or smiling. Brooke couldn't imagine a life with out her in it. 

"Chloe I love you so much baby please keep fighting" Brooke was sobbing as she held her dying wife in her arms. 

"I love you Brooke..." Chloe whispered into Brookes ear as she let her eyes close for the last time. 

Brooke felt Chloes body go limp. Her wife had just died. She hugger her body tight, never wanting to let go. The doctors had arrived, but it was too late. They tried to help Brooke up, but she wouldn't let go. 

"no No NO NO STOP PLEASE" Brooke screamed and cried as she was pulled up and taken to the ambulance to get cleaned off. Brooke saw them lift Chloes lifeless body onto a stretcher. Chloe had always looked so confident, ever since high school. Her sparkly lipgloss and tall stature had always made her seem larger than life to Brooke, who was relatively short. Brooke had never seen Chloe look as helpless and small as she did on the stretcher. Brooke looked at her hands and saw her wife's blood covering them. More tears began to fall from the blonds eyes. 

Time skip to like 2 weeks in the future

Brooke stood over the casket. It had been two weeks since the incident and Brooke was still in shock. The funeral was the first time that she had gotten out of bed since it happened. She watched as they lowered Chloes body into the ground. Brooke was asked to say a few words, but she couldn't. Every time she tried, she began to sob. The service ended, but Brooke stayed. She couldn't bring herself to leave. She didn't want to go back home to an empty house again. All she wanted was to hug and kiss her wife again. She sank to her knees at Chloes grave and started to cry again. Brooke looked up into the sky and whispered, 

"I'll always love you Chlo. Always."

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