Minotaur Maze

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Raph and Mikey tested out their weapons on the roof of an apartment building. Leo, Donnie and Aina watched them fool around with their magical weapons.

"Check this out!" Mikey swirled his kusari-fundo, forming a fiery circle around Raph. "Power-fun-Jitsu!"

"Uh-oh." Raph used his fonta to protect himself from the fiery tornado. "Not bad, not bad. but check out these puppies."

He smashed his fists gripping the fonta and created bigger red fists from the impact of the fonta. "Tonfa-smash-Jitsu!"

"Ohhh," the thrre other turtles and Aina gasped in amazement.

Leo quickly shoved Raph aside and pulled his his sword from behind him. "If you guys want to see some real skill, look right here. I’m going to make a portal to New Jersey."

He moved his sword around, grunting, and attempted to make a circle. A line of blue glow vanished a second after it appeared at the tip of the long knife.

"Come on, power-portal-jitsu," Leo mumbled.

He tried again with the same move he created himself, but another line disappeared. He groaned and tried again a few more times.

Finally, he was only able to make a small portal in front of him.

"Yeah!" Leo said victoriously.

Raph laughed, holding onto his sides. "That’s not going to get you across the street, let alone to Jersey."

"Okay, but…" Leo placed his finger through the portal and another one popped up behind him.

He started scratching his back with his hand through the second gateway. "See, it’s practical, which makes it better."

Mikey and Mizuki saw Donnie holding a small purple gem and his goggles.

"Hey, Donnie, what are you doing, bud?" Mikey asked him.

"Well, while you guys took flashier items from Draxum, I, on brand, took a more cerebral one," Donnie explained. "See, the crystal, combined with the elements—"

"Get to the point," Leo interrupted him.

"Now, I can see all the mystic energy hidden around New York," Donnie finished and placed the crystal into his goggles. "You’re welcome, and thank you."

"You managed to nab it from Draxum’s laboratory?" Mizuki asked him hopeful. "Did you find any more down there?"

"Well, I didn’t have much time for that, but we can try and find more, if you so wish," Donnie smiled at her.

"Whoa, that’s awesome," Raph said, walking up next to Donnie and Mizuki near the balcony. "Hey, what about that laundromat?"

"It looks like a laundromat," Donnie said, looking through the goggles at a laundry place.

Aina spotted an old woman pushing a shopping cart down the street. "Try that woman, see if you can find anything on her."

"Alright, what do we have over here?" Donnie aimed his goggles at the old woman and gasped. 'Whoa, underneath that old lady’s skin is some sort of fire mutant thing."

"What?" Mizuki exclaimed. "What she doing now?"

The old woman checked to see if anyone is paying on her and moved her hand in some sort of magic motion. The words ‘NYC’ suddenly changed to a portal at her command. The old woman went through the portal, which vanished a second later.

"She just disappeared into that wall!" Mikey said.

"Incredible," Aina breathed in wonder."What do you think is behind that portal?"

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