Girl Drama

18 3 5

    I looked up at my brother. Sometimes he can be a dork, other times, he can be an actual nineteen year old big brother. Like today.
"You got me the latest version of the Road, Dumps And Dirt Nitro PS game?"
"Hey, what can I say? I'm an awesome big bro."
I stared at him for a while then sighed.
"You're forgiven."
He stared at me shocked.
I rolled my eyes.
"I'm your brother Lee. You got me the game so I wouldn't be mad at you for not fulfilling your promise to help me with my chores. You're forgiven."
He stared at me like I had grown an extra head or something. I smiled as he began to squirm.
"That wasn't the reason I got it for you. So ungrateful. You can't even decide to buy something for him and he will thank you. Be making me look like I need his stupid forgiveness." he mumbled leaving my room. I laughed. Another fun fact about my brother, he had an ego larger than Lagos. I stared at the game in my hand. I had a ton of homework to do. And I also needed to get ready for the visit to the Taiwos.
But one round wouldn't hurt.
I turned on the home theater in my room and slipped the disk into the play station. The graphics for version 7.0 were so realistic, I almost thought I was actually driving a Bugatti Divo through a track in the harsh Sahara desert surrounded by deadly mutant cactii and junkyards. The rush of adrenaline made my heart pump blood faster than my body needed and I enjoyed the sensation. All I needed was some chips and a bottle of soda. I honestly couldn't wait for the first term holidays to begin.
Mom's call startled me and I crashed my virtual car into a mutant cactus.
"Shit." I hissed, "Coming Mom!"
I turned off the home theater,not bothering to take out the disk. I would continue when I got back. I stepped out of my room and walked to the living room. Mom was at the door talking to someone.
"I hope you two will behave yourselves. He'll be here soon." she turned around and saw me, "Ah, he's here. Baby, a nice young lady says she's here to see you." Mom said, giving me a cheeky grin. I eyed her suspiciously as I looked to see who was at the door.
"Hey Jeff." Sapphire said, smilimg brightly at me and batting her eyelashes. She wore a white sundress with purple hibiscus flower patterns on it and black sandals; the fancy ones with plastic gems and fake pearls all over them. I frowned.
"Hi, Sapph. Uhm, what are you doing here?"
"We're supposed to be doing an assignment together. For English class? Othello?"
I face palmed myself as my stupid brain suddenly reminded me.
"Right. Sorry. Come in. I'll go get my stuff. You can wait in the living room."
Sapphire took off her sandals and walked in. I watched her take in the sight of the house.
"Your house is very pretty."
I shrugged.
"It's just a house. Take a seat, I'll be right back." I said, heading to my room. I opened my backpack and took out my copy of the play. I glanced at the play station longingly.
"Tonight love. I'll be back and we can finally have our alone time." I whispered to it, gently running my fingers over it. I headed to the living room only to find my mom and brother hounding the poor girl.
"And there was this one time that he crawled all the way up to the altar in church and the pastor had to carry him through the entire sermon." Mom said, laughing. I felt sick. She was telling her baby stories. Oh Mom!
"God knows how many times the pastor had to fight with him for the microphone. Oh there you are Baby. Arike and I were just talking about you."
I snorted. Now she's calling her by her native name. Bad sign.
"Obviously. Mom, Lee, could you please leave my partner and I to do our project in peace?"
Lee grinned.
"Aw, but I haven't been able to telk her about the Aunty Winni-Winni story."
I paled.
"No! Don't!"
"What's the Aunty Winni-Winni story?" Sapphire asked.
"Oh, it was the cutest thing ever!" Mom squealed, and I groaned.
"When Jefferson was ten, he had this lesson teacher named Winnifred. Such a darling! We all liked her a lot, most especially Jefferson."
I buried my head in my hands and groaned loudly.
"They were so close! Then on Valentine's day that year, we attended the Crystal Cupid party and then my little ray of sunshine, walked up to the stage, took the microphone and told us he wanted to sing a song for his dearest Aunty Winni-Winni."
I wished the floor could just open up and swallow me right now. God, this is so embarrassing! They were all laughing, Lee laughing the loudest.
"You should've have heard him sing Elvis Presley's Can't Help Falling In Love. It was a disaster! He sounded like a dying frog! I swear, the looks on everyone's faces! It was priceless! The Aunty Winni-Winni gan had to cover her mouth to stop herself from laughing. And he didn't stop there, no, he then decided to tell Aunty Winni-Winni that he loved her and wanted to marry her when he grew up." Lee said laughing his lungs out.
"It was an adorable moment." Mom said, her laughter dying a little. I glared at both if them.
"Are you guys done embarrassing me now? I was ten and in primary five! I didn't know anything about love!" I said pouting. I saw Sapphire smile, biting her lip.
"Hope their stories gave you something to laugh at in school." I snapped. Sapphire stopped laughing and gave me a horrified look.
"I would never use this to publicly embarass you! Or anything for that matter. I'm not like that."
I sighed as I sat beside her. A small blush crept up her cheeks as our shoulders brushed.
"Alright, alright, you two need to work. I'll be in my room. No funny stuff o. Do your work and read. It was nice to meet you Arike." Mom said, standing.
"It was nice to meet you too, ma."
"I'm going to Shola's house. Have fun." Lee said, standing. He walked over to me, leaned closer and whispered,
"Use a condom. This girl is damn hot."
I shoved him and he laughed.
"Bye Mom."
"My friend go and meet your girlfriend and leave me alone!" she replied from inside her room. Lee chuckled.
"Love you too."

IT ALL STARTED WITH A BOYOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz