Of Serpents And Loyalty

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Caitlyn's POV,

      If I started this story telling you that I've always been a Fang. That it was some family heritage that my dad passed down to me when I turned sixteen and that it had always been an adventure, that would be a bloody lie. My parents didn't even know who the Fangs were till the day I told them I was one.I didn't join the Fangs because I was looking for an adventure of a life time. Neither did I join them because I needed to protect myself or my family. Those things came with the job naturally. I'm what the other Fangs call an Accident. Why? Cos I 'accidentally' stumbled on one of their own killing someone. I was twelve at the time. Trust me, it was traumatic and I still have nightmares about that night.
    We were still in Washington at the time and I had stayed out at my friend Keisha's place a little too long. I was trying my best to speed walk home cos you don't run anyhow in the ghetto parts of Washington. Anyways, I took the dark alley beside the porn shop cos the route there was quite faster than the regular road and Dad-Riece was going to kill me if I got home later than eight. It was seven-thirty already. I heard the sound of trash cans move and figured it was just a cat. Nothing to worry about, right?
Wrong. There was a lot to worry about. I just didn't know it yet.
The sounds became louder and closer and then the sound of grunts and skin being pounded joined the trash can orchestra. At that point I was fucking scared. So I did something stupid.
I looked.
Right there before me, was a guy in all black stabbing the fucktards outta another guy. It was bloody. It was messy. It was so fucking scary.
I ran.
I heard footsteps behind me and the next thing I know, I'm being hoisted into the air and landing flat on my back on the cold wet alley floor. I couldn't see his face. Till today I don't even know who that person was and trust me, I've searched everywhere for him. But all I can remember is me almost shitting my pants and being thrown into a black van. The guy they took me to, was kinda merciful. Said I was just a kid and that I didn't deserve to die. But in order to make sure I didn't have some kinda mental break down and tell on them, he made sure I was initiated.
So yeah. That's how I, Caitlyn badass Blossom, became a Fang. Pretty pathetic huhn? I know. But hey, what's done is done. After moving back to Nigeria, I joined the main gang. The head gang of the Fangs and damn, it wasn't easy fitting in. But I managed. Now, why am I telling you all this? What does it have to do with the story? Here's a little something you need to know.
There are four main regional gangs that rule Nigeria. The West side Fangs. The East side Vines. The North side Elders. And the South side Shadows. We all try to stay within our lanes and not get on each other's nerves. But there's only one major gang, that we swore our whole hearted allegiance to.
The Blood Arrows.
The most ruthless syndicate in Nigeria.


    I walked into Amaka's home, wondering where the hell the damn woman was. To be honest, I didn't like her very much. She was a self absorbed bitch that didn't deserve Chima. But love is blind, right. I found Bamise pacing about in the living room. His brows knit with concern and fear.
What the hell is going on?
I cleared my throat to announce my presence. He jerked up, a bit startled and I noticed the way his hand reached for his side, the black shiny gun coming into view, before he relaxed.
"Can't you knock?" he growled. I rolled my eyes.
"I doubt if you would've heard me if I did." I cocked my head slightly as he still looked concerned. What on Earth had happened this time? As if losing one of our finest wasn't enough?
"Bamise, what's wrong?"
He stared at the floor long and hard before closing his eyes and swearing profusely. I just stood there and watched, feeling kinda hot in my black leather jacket. Good thing I wore a light shirt underneath it. I heard a door open and Amaka emerged from the bedroom. She had the same look of concern and fear etched on her face and that made me even more curious and worried.
"Okay? What's got you two so worked up? Did Chima's attackers contact you?"
Amaka shook her head as she tried to regain her usual calm and level headed self.
"No Caitlyn. Chima was buried in peace."
I heaved a sigh of relief without knowing it.
"Gee, thank goodness."
"But...we do need your help with something."
I raised a brow. My help? My help? No one has ever asked for my help in anything. Not in my own gang at least. Now a high member of the Blood Arrows was asking for my help. That could only mean one thing; lots of lies and lots of bloodshed. Two things I have started becoming good at. Unfortunately.
"You need my help? What for?"
Amaka sighed and gestured for us to enter the room.
"Before you enter, swear to me that not a single word of what you will see or hear would be spoken outside these walls."
Okay, this was getting creepy. Even for me.
"I swear. What happens in secret, stays secret."
It was a motto I lived by everyday. The same motto that helped me survive this long as a Fang. Amaka nodded, satisfied with my answer and let me into the bedroom. The first thing, or more like person, I saw nearly sent me flying backwards. Dressed in all black with a red rose pin clipped to her collar sat Mrs Adelanwa. A solemn look on her face and....had she been crying? I raised my head to stare at the figure on the bed. I blinked several times, hoping it was my eyes reacting to the light or my head messed up by the scorching Lagos sun. But this was no hallucination. It was real, in the flesh, lying there, taking soft deep breaths. An indication that he was still alive.
"What the fuck are Jeff and his mom doing here?"
I asked turning to face Amaka, fire in my eyes. There had better be a good explanation as to why one of my friends was lying unconscious on her bed. Amaka raised her hands up in defense.
"We didn't do anything I swear. Just calm down Caitlyn and let me explain."
I eyed her warily for a minute.
"You have five seconds."
Amaka sighed.
"Chima was given a task. To protect the heir of the Blood Arrows. It was a task given to him since the day the heir was born. He died fulfilling his duty."
I frowned. What the hell was this mad woman saying?
"Okay? So, how does that answer my question?"
Amaka exhaled,impatiently.
"There was only one person in the library with him when he was attacked. Any guesses?"
I frowned. The only person in the library was.....oh. My. God. I shook my head, denial washing all over me.
"No. No fucking way."
"It's true." Mrs Adelanwa said. She raised her head up and her deep brown eyes bore into mine.
"How? The leader of the Blood Arrows is-"
"It's a long story. But that is for another time. Caitlyn, of all of his friends, you are the only one I can trust to do this. You have all of the requirements-"
"You could use some extra training though." Bamise piped in and Amaka nudged him.
"And he trusts you." Mrs Adelanwa continued. "Please, I need you to do this for me. I will tell you everything. But I need you to promise me that you would do this one thing for me."
I swallowed hard. This was way too much for me but I nodded anyways. Whatever it was she needed me to do, I would do it. Not just cause of our friendship, but because I was bound by an oath to do anything for the Arrows and apparently, for their heir.
"What do you need me to do, Mrs A?"
Mrs A smiled sadly. An apologetic and pleading look in her eyes.
"I need you, to replace Chima."


"I need you, to replace Chima."
The words hung around my head like a stormy cloud as I walked back to my home on the West. She wanted me to be his personal bodygaurd. Seriously? I'm seventeen and didn't even want this life in the first place! I'm so not ready to die yet. I don't even believe that Jesus could give his life for an entire planet, not to talk of giving my life for someone else!
But he's also my friend. I couldn't just leave him. If I refused, he would end up with someone else from the gang. Probably someone who wasn't as kind and as understanding as Chima. Me being his bodygaurd/trainer/saviour-to-be would be easier because we're already friends.
I sighed as I opened the door to my house. My dads were sprawled on the floor watching Big Brother Naija, packets of potatoe chips and a bottle of Don Simon next to them. Dad-Dennis smiled at me.
"Hey there Kitty. Are you okay?"
I nodded, giving him my best fake smile.
"I'm fine Dad. Just tired. Good evening."
"Are you sure? You look-"
"Dennis she said she's fine. See, see what Erica is doing again! Can you just imagine that?" Dad-Riece said, shaking Dad-Dennis' shoulder. I shot up to my room as soon as his eyes were turned and I locked the door. I sighed, falling to the floor.
What do I do? Do I be the stupid hero and just accept the offer? Or do I be the coward I usually am and run far away from this as possible? I was given a choice, and when you're a nobody in a very large notorious gang, choices are rare to get.

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update. Please bear with me! So, that's a sneak peek into the mind of our macho but not so macho Kitty! Hope you guys liked it. There would be another update tomorrow night, hopefully.
What do you guys think she should do? Should she accept the offer or not? I'd love to get your opinion about this.
Thanks for still being here lovies, till next time❤.

IT ALL STARTED WITH A BOYМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя