5 Getting to Know You

Start from the beginning

In reality it was far from normal. Wolf Point was a town filled with secret agendas, snobby elites, hoarders, and snakes. They thrived off of their skills. They were advanced in training butlers and maids, cooking gourmet foods, baking delicious treats, and so much more. All things rich people loved and adored. He'll, they even trained the best seamstresses in the country probably.

Still, she'd seen several people treated less than fair. Several kids ignored. Several people beaten down for speaking out. It was wrong. Didn't Axton know about it? She found out the hard way that he most certainly did.

The worst thing was that his own people didn't see him as their Alpha. They saw him as a puppet for his parents. Or worse. Treated him like the dirt beneath his feet.

The only exceptions were the people he stood up for. She remembered vividly what she'd seen. She also remembered vividly his rage when she rushed to him and tried to help him. If Wolfe hadn't stepped in.. he might have hurt her. Not intentionally. But, he still would have. Her bleeding heart would have never forgiven herself if he found out he'd hurt her. It would kill him.

What was worse is that it was after they cuddled. She sighed softly, and stood. Tomorrow he was sending her to Moonwater. Jayce's territory. The realization hit her that she didn't know Axton's pack's name.

" I'm a terrible Luna! " She wailed softly.

A giggle behind her made her jump. " No you aren't. He is just trying to deal with more than his little mouth can chew at once. " Tia said as she walked in to help her finish packing.

" You don't have to do that. Really!"

Tia shook her head. "Nonsense. I want to. It's what friends do. " She smiled.

Linzie smiled happily and nodded. " So what is the name of the pack?" She asked curiously.

"Rosewoods. It isn't the most ancient name or the most creative. But, his mother liked pretty things. Roses are pretty. Every girl she approves of is a rose. Those she doesn't. We're known as weeds. " She sighed a little and smiled softly. " Axton wants to change it because if her. He used to love it. Until he figured out why she named us after his grandfather passed the title to his father."

" I can see why. Willow Grove, or even something like..." She racked her brain for a moment with her finger in her chin. " Oh I used to love this name.. As a child I would always name my own pack by it while playing alone in my room. " She huffed quietly. " Oh! One was Ojin. It means wild rose. The other was Magaskawee. Graceful. "

"Both if those are beautiful. " Tia smiled.

The girls continued to pack. In all reality Axton had come to help her. But, this was okay as well. He could wait, and let them have their moment. Plus she'd given him the perfect name for the pack. Just another step in the right direction. He peiced the two names together. Though, he wasn't sure if he should go with the native language, or it's English counterpart. It would either be Graceful Wild Rose, or Magaskawee Ojin. It fit with their trades, and should still allow his people to be as they were. Roses. Beautiful and strong. New meaning behind the name didn't hurt. It was way less shallow. He walked back down the hall to his study, and started finishing the papers to have it changed.

Tia felt him back there, and suddenly he was gone. She wondered why. He could have interrupted, and took over. She would have left. " Well, that should be enough clothes for the trip. I'm sure they won't mind helping you get more if need be. " She smiled.

Linzie nodded. " Yeah. I just have to ask. " She twirled her hair between her fingers nervously. " Axton is planning something. I just know it. "

Tia waved it off, and laughed. " When is he not planning something?" She turned and left Linzie's room.

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