1.1 - Life of Youth (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Maybe I shouldn't have washed it this morning, he thought with panic.

"This is just what I needed," CL sighed and then smirked, "I'm worse than a girl. Way to gay it up, buddy."

Downstairs in the kitchen CL's parents, Patty and Charles were already seated and having their breakfast. CL sat down and only took a sip from his orange juice.

"Honey, eat those eggs before they get cold," CL's mother said to him as she spread some cream cheese on a bagel.

"Oh I can't eat right now," CL eyed the scrambled eggs that sat on his plate. He was feeling a little too queasy to eat anything.

"Nerves, eh?" Charles said with his eyes glued to a shiny e-reader tablet in front of him.

"You've no idea," CL answered as he finished his orange juice.

"Oh, honey there's no need to be nervous, Darren will show you around," Patty said as she touched his back.

It was true, CL realized, suddenly feeling a little better but not completely relieved. Darren Mancini, a distant cousin of his from South Carolina that had moved to Miami two years prior would never let him be totally lost. Darren was a year older than CL – a senior and pretty damn close to graduating. CL hoped that by the time his cousin's graduation arrived that he would already be settled and comfortable at the new school.

"He should be arriving any minute," Patty added as she stood to clear her own plate from the table. CL's father groaned.

"Damn it, I keep closing the page," he said irritably. "Why get rid of buttons? What's with all the touch screen stuff?"

"Welcome to the modern world, dad," CL said to him as he heard a car honk outside the window. "Well, I'm off."

"Oh honey," Patty bit her lip and hugged her son when he stood from the table. "Best of luck on your first day. I hope you make plenty of friends."

"Thanks," CL muttered and waved to his dad who was still fighting with his e-reader.

CL stepped outside his house and quickly made his way towards Darren's antique blue thunderbird convertible.

"Hop on in, the door needs to get fixed," Darren nodded towards the passenger door.

"It's a good thing you can put the roof down," CL said as he jumped over the door and onto the leather seat. "Otherwise I'd look really stupid climbing in through the window." This made Darren grin as he shifted into drive and pulled out of the driveway.

"I totally should've made you do that."

"Ha. Ha."

As Darren drove, CL couldn't help but feel a little envious at how much his cousin had changed over the years since they last saw each other. Darren had obviously been working out since he moved to Miami. His arms were pretty built and his chest looked perfectly shaped – compared to CL's skinny body.

"Nervous?" Darren asked.

"No," CL lied, looking out the window. "Maybe a little anxious ... but I'm fine."

"Sure," Darren nodded.

"How's the girlfriend doing? What was her name, Clara?" CL asked.

"Clair", Darren corrected and almost immediately CL noticed his cousin's brow come together as if in deep thought. His brown eyes looked troubled, but he quickly shrugged and blinked away whatever thought that had come to his mind.

Life of Youth: Series 1Where stories live. Discover now