1.8 - Spying Remorse

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"I feel like we're Charlie's Angels or something," CL whispered to Darcy as they stood outside a very posh restaurant. CL couldn't remember when he'd ever seen these many fancy expensive cars all in the same place as they appeared one after another at the valet station. The brick walls outside the restaurant were covered with vines that were adorned with white Christmas lights. CL and Darcy stood around the corner and were constantly peaking around towards the front where the cars kept arriving.

"Yeah minus the third angel," Darcy muttered and took a look. "We're going to find out once and for all who this mystery man is that Elis is dating in secrecy."

"He'll probably be pissed we spied," CL said to her.

"And he'll probably think we have no lives," Darcy added. They looked at each other.

"Who cares," They both said together and laughed.

"Who can blame us, anyway?" CL said, "He's barely hung out with us for two weeks now, what's up with that?"

"Yeah, we always find a way to make time for him and we're dating Olivia and Riven."

"Exactly," CL nodded when his attention was suddenly caught by a familiar red sports car. The passenger door opened first and Elis stepped out. CL quickly poked Darcy and she stuck her head out from the corner to look. CL watched Elis grinning as he bent down to look inside the car and said something to his date – which CL still couldn't see.

Why did that car look so familiar to him?

"Oh come on just get out of the car already," Darcy whispered anxiously with excitement.

Elis laughed again and finally the door on the driver's side opened. Elis closed his door and ran a hand through his long blonde hair. CL's breath caught the moment he got a look at Elis's mystery boyfriend as he stepped out of the car. Elis's boyfriend ... his older boyfriend that was tall, muscular, and with salt pepper hair and the greenest eyes CL remembered ever seeing on a man. CL knew the man that was with Elis and fear now gripped his heart. It was Henry the photographer. CL met him at the fashion show Darcy had made Elis invite him to when CL first moved to Miami.

Henry hadn't cared that CL was underage and even tried to have his way with him when CL told him to stop. CL and Darcy watched as Elis kissed Henry before they quickly made their way inside the restaurant. CL turned away and leaned back against the wall, clearly disturbed.

"What's wrong?" Darcy asked him. "You look like you've just seen a ghost."

CL took a deep breath. Elis was dating a possible predator.

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