Chapter 8

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I hear a beautiful humming in my ears as I feel myself being pulled from my slumber. Fingers lightly drawing patterns on my skin as I'm laid on my back. My face is turned away from Luke, facing the window. When my eyes finally open I sigh, not wanting to let go of my sleep. I roll my head to the other side and I'm met with blue eyes. He smiles. I tiredly close my eyes again, wanting to go back to sleep as I try to cuddle into his side.

"Nooo." Luke wines. "I've been waiting for two hours for you to wake up now get up." I let out a muffled groan in protest.

He pecks both of my eyelids with his lips and I can't help but smile. "Open them." He says sternly. But when I do, a smile forms on his face.

I lean in for a kiss and rest my hand on his face, playing with his pretty prominent beard. "I know, I need to shave." He laughs.

I shrug my shoulders. "So do I." We both burst out laughing. It is the apocalypse after all, not exactly easy to keep up with your personal hygiene when it's last on your list of priorities. Luke doesn't mind but it's getting to the point where I feel kind of disgusting and just downright uncomfortable. I don't even remember the last time I had a proper shower. We've had to make do with wet rags and whatever soap was left in the house. I'm going to have to pick up some razors, soap and tooth paste. We need a lot of things, reminding me that we should probably start getting ready. But I don't want to leave the bed. Especially after last night.

Luke rubs his fingertips along my arm. "How are you feeling?" he asks, concern all over his face.

"I'm fine." I smile at him.

"I didn't hurt you did I? You would tell me if I did right?"

"You didn't hurt me Luke. It was perfect. You were perfect." I whisper. He smiles, kissing my lips once more.

We get up to get dressed, Luke leaving the room to find some clothes. The weather's getting colder, it might be winter already. I should probably dress a little warmer in case we get stuck out there overnight. I find my softest pair of skinny jeans with the right amount of stretch to move around easily. They're practically jeggings but they're thicker so they should keep me fairly warm. I put on some fuzzy socks and a long sleeved shirt. I dig through my closet and find my denim vested hoodie. After I've put it on I smooth my hair out to make it easier to stay out of my face. I put on a black beanie to keep my head warm and put on my boots.

When I'm all ready, I go downstairs to meet Luke who's already begun packing our things. Arrows, guns, and whatever's left of our food. I stop in my tracks when I notice what he's wearing. He's in his usual black skinny jeans and converse and he has a grey beanie on his head. But the coat he was wearing- it was my brother's. He used to wear it all the time.

Luke stops when he sees me staring and I'm pulled out of my trance. "Sorry, it's just, that's my brothers." I point to his coat.

"Oh, yeah." He looks down at his clothes. "I found it in his closet, I needed one. I hope that's okay."

"It's fine. Just brings back memories." I smile. "Plus, I'd rather you not freeze to death. You need some gloves. We really need to find you something else to wear besides those damn converse." I say playfully and he chuckles.

We grab a few duffle bags for new supplies and stuff them into Luke's back pack. I find knitted gloves and cut the fingertips off to make it easier to work with my bow and I do the same for Luke. I secure my one weapon belt with my bowie knife around my right leg and the one with the gun on my left for easy access. When we're all set we grab our bags and our weapons and walk out the door. I lock it behind me.

Tomorrow Never DiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora