Chapter 2

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Yesterday was filled with awkward silence as Luke and I traveled to find safer ground. Which I didn't mind, I preferred to keep to myself anyway. As it began to grow darker, I became more and more exhausted so we decided to make camp on the roof of an abandoned shop to rest. Luke refused to sleep although I told him we were safe up on the roof. He said he wasn't tired, although I could clearly see the bags under his eyes. I woke the next day feeling well rested as Luke and I began our journey.

The entire day consisted of walking and Luke trying to make pointless suggestions about where to go. He would tense up every time a walker would cross our path although I was always quick to put an arrow through its skull. I felt a rumble in my stomach before I realized that I haven't eaten since yesterday.

Luke and I were walking for almost two hours until we found a safe place to stop and eat. We were in a big open field, making it easier to see everything around us so we wouldn't have to worry about any surprises. I hurriedly dropped my backpack and got out a bag of potato chips and a can of fruit. Not my ideal dinner, but when you aren't able to hunt for a few days you have to make do with what you've got.

"Here" I said, offering Luke some food. "We need to save the can when we're done with it. It looks like it's going to rain later."

"Why do we have to save the can?" He asks. I try not to sound too annoyed at his cluelessness.

"Because we need to drink. You use the can to catch the rainwater." I explained as I tore open the bag of chips. I took one huge bite of them, closed my eyes and sighed. You never realize just how hungry you are until you finally get to eat.

I open my eyes to see blondie staring at me.

"What?" I ask defensively.

He awkwardly clears his throat before muttering a "Nothing." with a slight smile on his face.

I'm still savoring the taste when he opens the can of fruit.

"So umm... You said I 'had a lot to learn'" he begins, trying to fill the awkward silence. I nod my head and my face looks like it's saying 'obviously' as I reach my hand in the can. "Would you teach me?" he asked hopefully.

"I said I would, didn't I?"

"When can you teach me?"

"Soon." I reply as I feel a raindrop on my face. It's been quite cold the past few weeks. The seasons must be changing; I lost track of them a long time ago. We better find some shelter before we get caught in the pouring rain, we wouldn't want get Hypothermia or something like that. So I begin gathering my stuff together, putting my leftover food in my backpack. Luke is still working on the fruit and I motion for him to get up and we start walking. We continue eating while we move.

"It's not something you can just learn in a day. It takes skills and hard work. You have to be willing to practice at it every day. But for now we can start with the easy stuff." I say.

"And what's that?"

"Basically common sense. First of all if you want to survive, don't try to be the hero. NEVER take on more than you can handle- better to be safe than sorry. Secondly, always have a weapon at hand. Preferably not a gun- they're attracted to practically anything that isn't the sound of their own groaning so you need to be as quiet as possible. Guns are for emergencies only. And when you kill them, go for the brain. If you let them bite you or scratch you or you're done for. If you are ever wounded by anything even if it's not from a walker, I don't care if it's a paper cut, you have to tell me straight away so it can be cleaned. If not it will get infected and you could die. And lastly, always shut the door behind you. You don't want any random walkers wandering into your territory."

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