Chapter Twenty One - "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

Start from the beginning

Jayna looks really glowy today, if that's even a thing. But I can literally feel the happiness radiating off of her body, and it's putting Miranda in a happy mood and I'm getting cheery as well.

"Wanna explain why I can feel all the happy inside of you coming off like the sun out there?" I ask her while I pretend to shiver so she gets the sun reference.

"I just feel really good. I mean, I feel bad for Brad having to be Sleeping Beauty for the next month, but Dennis is just so amazing."

"I actually forgot you had a boyfriend for a while. You never mentioned him when you left in June so I assumed you two broke up or stopped talking." I say, scratching Miranda's ears.

"At that time, I was kind of mad at him, even though it was stupid. You know how I was all insecure about the whole him being bisexual thing?" I nod. "Well, the night before I left, I was at his house before I came to say goodbye to you and Caroline and his phone isn't locked so I was gonna take selfies so he'll remember my gorgeous face (she actually made a model pose also, oh my god). I see an unopened text from this guy named Jason, and I didn't read too much of the conversation but from the look of it, Jason wanted Dennis back. I didn't tell Dennis I saw that, and when I left I was being so uptight on skype and he didn't know why."

I shake my head. "Jayna, you know that wasn't fair of you. If you're gonna be mad, at least let the boy know why you were mad."

"I know, I know. When I got back he didn't call or anything and I think he thought I didn't like him anymore, and that wasn't the case; it was the total opposite. I went to his house and begged him to talk to me and I told him what I saw. He looked so sad and he told me he was never with Jason to begin with. Jason and him went on one date last March and Dennis immediately decided Jason wasn't for him but Jason wouldn't take no for an answer, even three months later. He showed me the whole conversation and he wasn't lying."

"Why was this not brought up to me or Caroline?!  Does Brad know about all this?" She nods.

"I told him the whole story the day before he dropped that STD bomb, and had we not gone over to his house that day I was going to tell you that day. Caroline still doesn't know about any of that yet, and I'm dreading it because she'll ask me a thousand questions on if we've done anything or whatever."

"Well, have you done things yet?" She starts getting red in the face, and that alone is a dead giveaway to me.

"I'm not going all the way with him at the moment, if that's what you mean. I will say he knows how to use his tongue the right way." And I literally cover my mouth to try not to wake Brad, but ultimately I lose because I holler so loud even Miranda looks done with my shit.

Brad starts to yawn himself awake and looks down at the scene at the foot of his bed. Me hysterically laughing, Miranda not understanding this exchange, and Jayna red as a tomato because of what she just said. He just stares back and forth and proclaims he doesn't want to know.

"Wake up doofus, I have good news." He sits up, a little more alert than before and waits for my announcement. When I said give me a few days, I literally didn't try to talk to him, and he didn't try either. So this is the first time I am talking to him since the bomb a few days ago got dropped. "I don't have anything, so I personally don't hate you anymore. As for Paul, he might hate you when he's recovered."

"How are you clean and he's not?" Jayna asked from the floor; I forgot I stood up for that.

"It's a long story." I don't feel like divulging into how that happened but I'm just glad I'm clean! "I'm just glad I don't have to tell my parents about it, though they'd probably think Craig gave it to me instead of Paul."

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