"I'm fine. Its morning and I have no clothes," I said getting my breathing under control.

"Its fine, you'll look hot in my clothes," he said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and he got me some clothes to wear.

"These are going to be to big," I said to him, referring to the jeans.

"heres a belt," he said.

"Thanks," I said. He have me a pair of jeans, And a hoodie that was half black and half gray.

"Thank you," I said coming out to the living room.

"You do look hot," he lightly flirted and handed me a bowl of ceral.

"Arent you a chef," I said and he rolled his eyes.

After we ate we left with Corey to go to the barbeque. We were only there for ten minutes when RJ sauntered up.

"Did you like your photoshoot?" She asked with a glint of evil in her eyes.

"You took the picture!" I said shocked.

"Had to expose you for the slut you are," she teased.

"I will deal with you in like fifteen minutes. Wheres spencer?" I asked running to find him.

I saw him walkin with my family and I ran up to him.

"I'm a bitch and I'm so sorry," I said hugging him.

"What happened?" He asked hugging me back.

"It was RJ and I blamed you," I said looking down.

"Hey, I ain't blame you for it. I wasnt exactly being the best friend I could," he admitted.

"I wasnt either," I told him.

"Listen. We all good now. I'm going to get to know cory. You can chill with Darnell," he said before walking away.

"Hey," I said walking back over.

"How are you holding up?" He asked me.

"Fine. I cant do anything about the picture," I sighed.

He nodded and out his arm around me.

"We need to talk, " Preach told me, coming out of nowhere.

"See ya later," I said to darnell.

"See ya, " I walked off with preach.

"Listen. I'm sorry about last night. I guess I forgot you are going through hell with this," he said to me.

"I shouldn't have blown up at you. It's just been a bad few weeks," I admitted.

"I get it. Listen, you are always welcome home," he said before walking off.

I was going to follow until my phone buzzed.

I'm coming to Crenshaw

Meet me at slausons

I got in Shawn's car and drove over to slausons. A few minutes later asher walked in looking pissed.

"What happened Ash?" I asked as he sat next to me.

He put down diverse papers in front of me.

"Asher we have to be married to get a divorce, honey," I said teasingly.

"My mom wants me to serve my dad with divorse papers so she can marry a man I havent met," he ranted.

"What a bitch. Come here," he said pulling asher into a tight hug.

I was about to pull away before I heard him sniffle. He was crying.

"Let's head to my place," i said and he nodded.

He kept his head down and we drove to Preachs house. We snuck in through the window and sat on my bed.

He laid his head on my sholder as he cried.

"I hate her. How could she," he ranted.

"I dont know. Parents forget that what they do doesnt just effect them," I said rubbing his back.

"Who fucking needs parents," he grumbled.

"You do," I said,"listen. Your mom is a leaving bitch, but your dad stayed. He tends to be an asshole. But he stayed. Focus on that relationship."

"Thank you Nix. I knew I could count on you. I'm gonna go talk to my dad," he said giving me one last hug.

I was about to settle down when I got a text from darnell.

Come over now!

I quickly snuck out of my window and drove over. I walked in to see darnell in tears looking at two letters. One was addressed to darnell and one was addressed to me.

"What happened?" I asked wrapping him in a hug.

"Corey left us."

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