Chapter 15

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Hi everyone I really hope you enjoy this. I had fun writing it. I love y'all so much thank you for being my inspiration and courage to do what I love. You are all so amazing. Thank you for the wishes bout my grandmother. She's okay but we can't visit her in the hospital because the virus but my mom talked to her. But we did find out her cancer came back so still a long road ahead. Loves y'all so much. Oh check out the picture up above it's a video too on you tube totally cute and I really don't like spiders.

Sang's POV

We walk through the doorway into the house. I watch Gabriel pulling me towards the kitchen. Max starts barking when he sees us. He's so excited that his butt is wagging with his tail. He then runs to me when we get closer. He jumps up to lick me on my cheek. " hi my precious boy. Such A big boy. yes you are." I scratch his ears.

I only get a little scratch behind his  ears in before Gabriel then moves me away from max. "Nope, No way. He can't get you distracted now. Max can see you after I get my hands on you."

Meanie grabs my waist. He spends me around max and onto the mission at hand. I couldn't help but giggle at meanie's determination. He looks back and smiles at me as we continue towards the stairs. I look back at Max as he follows us to the stairs. " I'll be back. My sweet boy." I wave goodbye to Max. We move up to Jessica's and Erica's bathroom.

"Now trouble go sit on the toilet seat and I'll get everything ready." Meanie walks to the sink to squat down to search through the cabinets. I walk over to the toilet. The seat lid was already down for me to sit on.

I watch meanie move things around underneath the bathroom sink. He removes a curling iron and a brush. Places them on the counter.  He keeps searching under the counter for who knows what else. Meanie suddenly stops what he is doing. He looks down at his feet. I think he's thinking but I don't know bout what.

"Meanie are you okay? What's wrong?" I go to stand up. Meanie slams a hand onto the counter at the exact moment. It startles me so badly where I squeak. I almost fall off the toilet seat, but I catch myself on the side of the tub with my hand. I look back over to meanie.

He's on the floor now   
with his legs up to his head and his hand in his hair. Meanies leaning down to his legs and pulling his hair in between his fingers. I rush over to him and get on my knees in front of him.

I reach for his hands around his hair. My fingers intertwine with his to remove his hands from his beautiful hair. He will hate himself if he damages it. Meanie wasn't focusing on me. He was breathing hard and irregular. I think he is having a panic attack. I remove my hands from his to place them at his face. He's still looking down at his feet.

I move his face up to me. " Meanie look at my eyes. Come on meanie." He slowly looks into my eyes while I move his face. Meanie is still breathing hard. " Meanie watch me. Watch how I breath. We are going to count to 5." He's loosing little focus on me.

I leaned little closer to be eye level to him. I need him to focus on me.  "Come on my meanie take a deep breath with me and I'll count. Once at five we will release." We took a deep breath together and I began counting. " 1,2,3,4,and 5. Now release." We released together.

" that's good my meanie now we are going to do this 4 more times. Okay deep breath in." His eyes are focusing on me as we take another breathe. That's what I need him to do. It will help him gain control. "1,2,3,4, and 5." We released together. We did this the next 3 times. Meanies shoulders started to become relaxed. He is breathing normal again. I go to get up to give him time to his self.

But he grabs my hands. He pulls me into his lap for a big hug. Meanie holds onto me tightly. "It's okay meanie I'm here. We are safe." I rub his back for a bit. Gabriel releases a little for me to sit up. He's still holding onto my sides. " S*** I'm So sorry trouble. This is embarrassing.

14 Men and a Little PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now