Chapter 2

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Harry stood before the Great Hall, dozens of curious eyes following him as he made his way in front of the teachers. He took a deep breath, inhaling the mahogany scent of the tables, the scent of sweaty teenagers clustered in a room, and the scent of lemon drops emitting from Dumbledore whom he was following towards to sorting hat. Everything made him nostalgic. Coming to a halt, Dumbledore addressed the crowd with open arms and a booming voice.

"There will be a new transfer student today at Hogwarts, certainly something that has never happened before, but with the ongoing war, this was bound to occur at some point. His name is Harry Evans." Harry bowed his head at the introduction.

Dumbledore turned and smiled kindly at Harry before continuing, "Harry here has lost his family in the war, so please keep the personal questions to a minimum and welcome him warmly."

While Dumbledore spoke, Harry's eyes wandered through the crowd before him, especially towards the Slytherin table. 

Hmmm... a blonde guy that looks like a pompous prick, I guess a stick up the ass is a genetic trait of the Malfoy bloodline. Harry continued to scan the table recognizing students that undoubtedly were ancestors of the Death Eaters he knew in his youth and finally, green met grey. Tom Marvolo Riddle sat at the middle of the Slytherin table in perfect posture and impeccably dressed, no doubt with the financial support of his faithful followers. The quality of his robes and trousers were obvious even at a distance. Harry allowed his eyes to linger a little longer than necessary at the way the fabric fit Tom's figure. 

A chiselled jaw, soft hair styled so that not one hair was out of place, pale skin resembling those of vampires, and delicate fingers--- it was no wonder he had a majority of the Hogwarts female population (and some of the males) under a love spell. 

Harry shot Riddle his biggest smile as the sorting hat was placed on his head.


Riddle was finally back at Hogwarts, away from those filthy muggles at the Wool's Orphanage. Tom was feeling content enough to put up with Abraxas Malfoy babbling beside him, clearly trying to brag about his summer holidays. 

The voice of Dumbledore drew Tom's attention to the front of the Great hall where the maggot of a wizard was being followed by an unfamiliar figure. Dumbledore took a second to drag his twinkling eyes across the hall, lingering a second longer on Tom before he began to speak. If Tom were any lesser of a human being, he might have glared or clicked his tongue, but he wasn't so he kept his face perfectly blank.

"There will be a new transfer student today at Hogwarts, certainly something that has never happened before, but with the ongoing war, this was bound to occur at some point. His name is Harry Evans." The boy in question was dressed in dubious robes and a mop of hair that certainly hadn't met a comb in the last century. Any hint of a built body was hidden under mediocre, baggy robes although the boy was standing at a reasonable height. Harry, what a plebian name, moreover the last name Evans almost certainly indicated mudblood heritage. The boy was nothing noteworthy, the only thing that intrigued Tom were those bright avada kedavra eyes hidden behind round glasses and in that moment those eyes met his. They were intently trained on him, almost as if he was examining his soul, except he wasn't because Tom would know if Legilimency was being used against him.

Harry Evans then shot him a cheeky smile, how infuriating

The old moldy hat was placed on Evan's chaotic mane. Immediately Evan's emerald eyes shot up towards the hat with a brazen smirk playing on his face. He looked to be having an extensive conversation judging by the fifteen minutes that had passed and that the hat's expression looked to be disgruntled. With great reluctance, the hat shouted, "HUFFLEPUFF!"

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