Chapter 1: Innocence Doesn't Exist

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*WARNING* The following chapter contains heavy scene of smut.  No one under 18 allowed to read.  You have been warned.

~Conneaut, Ohio~

In the midst of the wake of the great Papa Joe, who was one of the monarchs of the Romani gypsies.  Dozens of families swam an old cabin home, string of light everywhere. Bonfires and BBQs filling their air with smoke and the scent of cooked meats. Children laughing and shouting as they run around adults. One man carried his accordion as he plays music for all with a guitarist. Others who gathered around the bonfires drank and cheered as their finished their beers. Throwing them down to the ground and laugh as the barrels around them were full of garbage.

People chatted on the porch and sat on the old couch that was used as outdoor furniture. While others inside lined up one by one to greet and kiss their beloved Papa Joe. His body was displayed as if he was alive and well, but all knew already that he has passed on to the afterlife. His eyes sewn shut as everyone hugs and kisses the body, saying their soft goodbyes and shed their tears.

Destiny and Celena were still on the road, but Destiny turns down the dirt road where the wake was held.

"Cell. Cell!" Destiny shakes Celena awake.

Celena snorts and jerks awake, "What?!" She groans and wipes away the drool.

"We're here. We gotta hurry." Destiny says as she pulls up next to a trailer. She gets out and begins to undress. Celena frowns, but scrambles to put on her dress.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" She calls as she changes.

"I know you want to see Peter and I need to pee so bad." Destiny chuckles and frowns when she sees one of the old elder gypsies who sat near his trailer basically eye fucks her as she changes her dress.

(Celena's dress^^^) 

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(Celena's dress^^^) 

Celena frowns at him and scoffs as she got her dress on and shoes. She gets out of the car with Destiny and Destiny grabs the last of her stuff, shutting the car door and flipping him off as he gives her a toothless smile and laughs.

Celena and Destiny walk in and the first person they see leaning on a wall, smoking a cigarette is Peter. Destiny shoves Celena away and tells her to hide while she snuck up behind Peter, covering his eyes.

"Guess who?" She laughs and moves around to smile big.

Peter welcomes her with a tight hug, he missed Destiny so much.

Destiny giggles, "Hmm, man! I've missed you, coz."

"I didn't think you were gonna make it." Peter says, relieved she was here.

Destiny scoffs as she pulls out of his arms, "Ran out of gas in Altoona, I got followed into a ladies' room at a truck stop outside of Youngstown. I had to give a serious ass-kicking." She giggles. "Oh, man, Joe used to bounce me on his knee when I was little, and he was old as the hills and twice as wrinkly, even then." Destiny laughs.

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