Chapter 12: Hold me

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*Warning: The following chapter contains heavy scene of smut.  Readers under 18 are not allowed in here.  You have been warned.*

"I can't believe that stupid fucking bitch told the doctor about the baby!" Roman growls lowly as he paces his bedroom and Celena sits on his bed.

"Roman, calm down. We handled it. She's not gonna tell anyone anymore." She says as she tries to calm him down.

"I swear, if mom finds out..." He says worriedly.

Celena stands up and stops him from pacing. He jumps back when he almost runs into her.

"She's not gonna find out. If she does, I'll erase her memories." She shrugs.

Roman sighs and looks at the door, thinking about that child, "I did not sign up for this.  I...I have no clue how to deal with this.  I have no idea how to be a father." He scoffs.  

"You're trying your best.  You're protecting her at least.  That shows your parental instincts." Celena says. 

Roman scoffs, "My daughter and I are terrified of each other." Tears for in his eyes, "She sees me and she starts screaming and I panic and run for the hills from her.  I...I know I can't be a real father to her.  I know I have to give her back to Letha." 

"Until it's safe, we'll tell Letha everything...well almost everything...ok?" Celena says.

Roman sighs and rubs his face, nodding. 

Celena moves to stand closer, but Roman backs away more. Celena grunts in frustration, "Ok, I can't fucking take it anymore, Roman. You're not going to hurt me."

"You don't know that! You know what I was dreaming last night? I dreamed of ripping your throat out and bathing in your blood." Tears form in Roman's eyes when the dream replays in his mind. "My hunger is out of control and I don't know if I can stop myself anymore." His voice wobbles.

Celena sighs softly, "Roman, Peter finally told me what he found out about our connection. And you know what he found out?" She asks as she walks slowly towards him and he continues to back away till he hits the wall. She stops as she stands three feet away from him. "You're immune to me."

Roman pants, he wished he could believe her. But it was too good to be true. He can't take the risk. She lifts her hand and calls the powers to force him to come to her. "No, Celena, don't do this." He tries to fight but it was useless. He was at her mercy. He finally stood mere inches away from her. He tries to move away, but she was holding him in his place. She wraps her arms around his neck and holds on to him. He holds his breath and squeeze his eyes shut as his body trembles; he sobs softly. So terrified of what he might do.

"Roman, don't be afraid. You won't hurt me." She whispers. "Please. Just hold me."

Roman lets out a gasping breath and grabs her tight, making her jump and gasps softly, letting him go, but Roman grunts.

"Don't...move." He grits his teeth.

Slowly, Roman presses his nose against her neck and begins to breathe her scent in deeply into his soul. His eyes roll back in pleasure from her smell. It didn't make him hungry to kill her, but it made him hungry to fuck her. He slowly drags his nose over her skin, breathing her in. Celena shudders in pleasure. It's been so long since he has touched her. He loosens his grip and softly drag his hands up her body, caressing every inch of her. He missed her so much. His lips lightly brush against her forehead. Panting softly, Celena closes her eyes and savors his touch, feeling herself grow wet. She needed this and she knew he needed it more.

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