Chapter 8: In the Shadows

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Viktor cries out in pain as Shelley pours peroxide down his bare back.  She places it the bottle down gently and begins to clean his wounds as it starts to sizzle and foam.  Viktor pants shallowly as she leans and rests his head against his wrists.  

"You might need a hospital." Shelly gives him a worried look.

"They're still looking for you.  We can't risk it." He sighs and looks over his shoulder.  Her worried frown still remained.  He reaches out and cups her cheek in his hand.  She smiles and reaches to touch his hand, savoring the feel of him.  

"Ew, are you two gonna kiss?" The boy twists his face in disgust.  Viktor and Shelley later learned his name was Jason. 

Viktor laughs and rolls  his eyes, "She doesn't have cooties." He scoffs. 

"All girls have cooties." Jason argues.  

Shelley giggles.  

"How's your back?" Jason asks. 

"The pain is finally going away.  But I can't leave it like this." He looks at Shelley and Jason.  "Say, Jason, you got a belt or something hard enough to bite down on?"

Jason gets up and runs to the other side of the room and opens the old dryer, "I took this from my dad, he thinks he sold it off." He says as he holds up a knife still in its sheath.  

Viktor takes it and removes the knife and holds the sheath, testing it's durability, "This will have to do.  Ok." He sighs and rubs his sweaty head.  "This wound is gonna kill me.  If it gets infected, I'm done for out here.  This is gonna look scary, but I swear I'm fine.  It's just gonna be very painful for me." Viktor puts his knees up and hugs himself.  "Don't be afraid." He looks at Shelley and turns around.  He bites down on the sheath hard and concentrates.  

Rumbling begins around him and he begins to grunt in pain, biting down hard on the sheath.  Shelley gasps as her and Jason watch the wound begin to close up on Viktor's back.  Grunting and muffled yelling, Viktor keeps going.  The flesh begins to grow and renew as muscles sew itself together.  Viktor yells as the bones in his shoulder snap back into place.  He grunts and digs his nails into his palm as he continues to heal himself. Finally,  he falls backwards as the wound heals.  

Panting heavily, the sheath falls out of his mouth and the pain was finally gone.  Shelley and Jason kneel over him, checking to make sure he was ok.

"That was so cool!" Jason exclaims.

Viktor wipes his bloody nose and sighs as his eyes roll back in exhaustion.  That took a lot out of him.


Screaming and gurgling, Celena continues to fight the masked invader as he holds her underwater.  Water splashes everywhere as she thrashing in the tub.  Her screams echo through the town and make its way to Roman and Peter's ears.  

Peter drops the food in his hands and gasps when he hears Celena screaming in his head.  

"Celena!" He rushes to the truck and takes off.  

Roman snaps his head up as the echo of Celena's screams fill his mind.  Fear builds in his heart.  Without a word, he takes off out the door, startling Miranda in the process.  

Celena pounds on the man's arms and reaches out to stop him in anyway, but she couldn't.  Suddenly, her eyes snap open and dilate wide.  With the power of the light, she forces the man to fly backwards.  Yelling, he hits the wall with a loud thud and slides to the floor.  Celena gasps for air as she sits up quickly and cough in fits as her lungs burned. The man shakes out of daze and grabs his knife. Celena snaps her head up as he gets to his feet and suddenly stops him as she holds her hand up. The man grunts as his body freezes from where he stands. He fights for control, but she was too strong.  Her eyes were pitched black and angry. The man trembled in fear and fights to escape, but he groans in despair when he realizes this was his end. He watches his own hand that held the knife move till it was close to his face. He yells as he fights more, but still fails. 

Hemlock Chronicles 2 (Hemlock Grove/Chronicles Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora