Chapter 17: Trust

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Panting heavily and grunting, Roman, Celena, and Peter dig a huge hole in the middle of the woods to bury the killers they stopped.  They managed to get one foot of the hole done, but with the cold and snow, the ground felt too hard to even stab it with a shovel.  It was frozen solid.  Roman finally takes a break but he eyes the masked figure who lies before him.  The blood has stopped due to the cold and froze in the snow.  Turning the white into reddish brown.

Roman sits and sighs as he takes a breath, "We're killing now?" He scoffs, hating the feel of being a killer.  

"We should have made them dig their own graves first." Peter mutters bitterly and grunts when Celena hits him.  

"Shut up, Peter." 

Roman's brows shoot up in surprise, "That's dark." 

She sighs and walks to Roman and sits in front of him, blocking the sight of the body, "Rome, look at me.  It was either us or them.  If we didn't stop them, they would have killed that kid along with his parents and us.  It was self-defense." She says. 

Roman sighs and swallows hard, nodding in agreement.

Peter grunts in frustration, "Fucking sun will be up soon, we're getting nowhere." He mutters bitterly, "Hey, how about a little help here?"

"I'm getting these treatments.  Makes me feel like shit." Roman says.  

"Take a rest.  We'll finish." Celena says as she strokes Roman's cheek and gets up to help Peter.  

Peter grunts and frowns at Roman in concern, "You're all right?"

Roman shakes his head, "No.  Something I gotta do." He says. 

Peter throws his shovel down, panting heavily in exhaustion.  After turning again on the wrong moon, it was starting to affect him bad.  Celena sighs and puts her shovel down.  Seeing that everyone was calling it quits for now.  She shivers and tightens her coat up.  

Peter frowns and wraps an arm around her as her teeth were chattering, "Jesus, you're cold." He takes her hands and rubs them, exhaling on them.  

"I'll be ok.  You guys can warm me up later." She chuckles and shivers.  She takes one of her hands back and smack him. "Don't get me wrong.  I'm pissed to hell right now with you for turning again.  You're lucky I'm not Destiny.  Every turn you take, it's dragging me closer to six feet under.  Next time, Peter..." She strokes his beard, "...we might not be so lucky.  Please...don't do that again." 

Peter sighs and opens his mouth, but Celena stops him by yanking on his beard, "Swear it like you mean it.  Not on my life again cause in dire situations life has no meaning.  Swear it." She warns. 

Peter sighs, he cups her face in his cold hands and kisses her with all the passion and love he had for her.  Thrusting his tongue into her warm mouth and dance with hers.  Sighing softly as the kiss breaks, he presses his head against hers, his cold nose touching hers.  

"I know I keep making promises...and breaking them.  I'm sorry.  I can't promise I won't turn again.  Obviously.  But, to protect you, I will try.  That I swear." Peter says softly.

Celena sighs, "Better than nothing.  Next time, I'll stop you before I lose you." She lightly punches his shoulder and sits on a log.  Peter moves and sits next to her. 

Roman swallows roughly, "I'm getting therapy from Pryce." He says, watching Peter look at him in surprise.  "It's supposed to make my DNA...normal." He adds as he changes the subject. 

Peter lets go of Celena and gets a cigarette out and puts it in his mouth, "When you say 'normal', you mean...?" He lights up the cigarette. 

"Normal.  Human." 

Hemlock Chronicles 2 (Hemlock Grove/Chronicles Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon