Sasuke hummed. "Most likely Neji and Itachi then," he said to Sakura. "I don't know why they—"

"Who are they?" Naruto asked, distressed. "Please, tell me what's going on."

Sasuke looked down at his feet. "You can't freak out or something. Just decide if you want to deal with it or not." He said lowly.

Sakura rubbed his arm and looked at Naruto. "I made a choice three years ago, Naruto," she said. "It's a lot to take in but if you want to help Hinata, if you want to be in her life, you need to decide if you're all in."

Naruto thought about what they said for a few moments. This was his out. He could decline and leave Hinata to Sasuke and stay in the gray area, the unknown. He could just say hi to her when he saw her and let Sasuke and Sakura deal with it. With finding her mystery man.


"Sasuke," the blond hung his head while speaking lowly. "Are you the person she's looking for?"


Naruto's head snapped up and his eyes locked with Sasuke's cold ones. He just admitted it so calmly..

"That's why you ran out that day? When I—" he scoffed lightly. "When I thought I introduced you guys."

He nodded. "Sakura didn't know who she was then."

"Then why don't you explain all of this? I need to look for Hinata, she probably doesn't even know—"

"Naruto," Sasuke interjected. "You wouldn't be able to find her."

Naruto scoffed again before he stood up and began to walk to the door. "Whatever, you can keep your secrets but don't doubt me. Don't start—"

"Naruto, please listen!" Sakura yelled as she ran after him and grabbed his sleeve. "Listen before you make assumptions."

The blond stood close to the door and just turned around to look at Sasuke. He wouldn't make eye contact with him. "I'm listening."

Sasuke was overwhelmed. When he chose to leave it was because he wanted freedom to find love and happiness but decided he would return within the year if he didn't.

But then Sakura happened. Her brash attitude and airy laugh in the hallways of the high school he attended. Naruto liked her, he knew that he did but he had never met someone like her. So he asked her out a few months later and was shocked when she accepted shyly. A year later he revealed his true identity and his true form to her and was once again shocked by her acceptance.

Now Hinata had come to find him, more accurately was sent to find him. He knew his fate in the ocean but  he decided his future would be on the land. His future was Sakura.

"Naruto," Sasuke said lowly, almost threatening. "Are you sure you want to be in her life?"

He didn't need to even think about the question anymore. "Yes."

There was a moment of silence before Sasuke sighed.

"I left my home five years ago," he started. "My and Hinata's home. We grew up together and our families..." he gulped and looked around awkwardly. "Our village really, wanted us to, um, get married once Hinata was fully mature."

Naruto frowned at this. "Mature? Like when she was eighteen?"

"Well no, more like..." he looked at Sakura for reassurance. She nodded and he turned to finally look Naruto in the eyes. "Once she came into her powers. Her birthright once she turns twenty-one."

The room went silent. So quiet you could almost hear the cogs in Naruto's brain turning as he processed this new piece of information. 

"Powers..? What do you mean by powers?" He asked harshly and sat back down on the lounge chair, his interest clearly piqued.

The Difference Between Us •NaruHina•Where stories live. Discover now