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Jimins pov

"Park Jimin!" Jin yells from the kitchen.

I pout and walk to the kitchen and huff when I see all the other members sat at the table. I sigh "I feel like I've done something wrong....or that I've walked in on a cult meeting"
Taehyung gasps "omg we should make a cult!"

Yoongi rolls his eyes "taehyung shut the fuck up before I shove a wooden spoon up your ass"
I smirk "kinky~" I go silent when yoongi glares at me.

Namjoon sighs "right jimin....as we all know some people have been sending you-"
"Death threats. Saying they'll kill me during my solo performance....people saying they'll be in the front row with a gun and a bullet with my name on it" I nod "thanks for reminding me hyung"

Hoseok smiles "so we got you something! We had to persuade manager to help but he agreed almost straight away!" I tilt my head "what did you do?"
Yoongi yawns "you will find out tomorrow morning" they all smile and walk out the kitchen.

I gasp "WAIT! you can't do that!!!!!!" I follow yoongi "hyung come on! Tell me why is it!?!?!!!!!" He walks Into his bedroom "im not telling you" he slams the door in my face. I gasp "taehyung will tell me! We're soulmates afterall!"

I run to taehyungs room "TAE! TAE! TAE! TAE!TAE! TAE!TAE!!" I burst into the room to see taehyung led on the floor with yeontan. He looks at me and pouts "please don't jiminie...."

I cross my arms "what have I got tomorrow morning???? Tell me taehyung" he looks away from me "I can't" I pout

Taehyung stands up "chim don't pout at me you know it hurts me" i cross my arms "tell me!!!" He shakes his head "I can't! Suga-hyung said that if I didn't tell you he'd let me have a part in Cypher pt5!"

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Taehyung stands up "chim don't pout at me you know it hurts me" i cross my arms "tell me!!!" He shakes his head "I can't! Suga-hyung said that if I didn't tell you he'd let me have a part in Cypher pt5!"

I glare at him "rapping is more important than our friendship?!?" He gasps "no of course not! It's just suga-hyung never says stuff like that!!! Our friendship is everything......but rapping is more entertaining!" I put my hand on my chest and gasp dramatically

"IM not entertaining enough?!"
Taehyung shakes his head again "no of course you are!! You're a cutie!and youre sexy and so so lovely!! But this is the only chance I'll ever get!!!"
I turn away from him "nope soulmate privileges are revoked"

He gasps dramatically "noooooooooooo!! FINE! I'll tell you!" I turn to him and smile "so what is it?!"
He sighs and looks at me "a bodyguard" I tilt my head "a..... bodyguard?? Why would I need a bodyguard...I'm very strong and powerful myself"

Taehyung laughs a little "because we don't want to risk anything....you have been getting threatened jimin and we don't want you to get hurt....but we even got you a cute bodyguard!"
I huff "is he shorter than me?" Taehyung nods "yep! He's short and adorable! But he will kill you if he has to"

I huff "I don't want a bodyguard!" I huff "they're so bossy and horrible! I don't want one!!!" Taehyung rolls his eyes "you'll end up Loving it....just please don't tell suga-hyung that I told you....I really want a part-"
I nod "I wont don't worry.... THANKS TAETAE!"

I walk out the room and hear taehyung mumble "sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with him" I laugh a little and then walk to my room.

I don't want a bodyguard....they're always so gross and always showing off and watching you change....ugh....I'll just fire him tomorrow....

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