Mail and Calls

506 32 29

Briana's POV

     Exiting the bathroom, I sigh as the cool air rushes towards me, my skin still steaming from my hot shower. I wrap my hair up in a towel and throw in some shorts and a shirt, not planning on. leaving the house at all for the day.

    All of yesterday, I had walked the streets of Blired, marching with the men and woman of the indigenous people. Even after so many years and fights with the government and even supers getting everything they asked for, minorities in the human race are still getting beaten down and discriminated against. There was a long march from one side of the city to the other and while most did some stretches, I walked the whole day, refusing to put down my sign until the cops came to clear away those of us still there around ten.

     I head into the kitchen, ignoring the paper in the table as I make my way to the coffee maker. I pull out my favorite tea and pour in the water before my drink is made. As it pours into my cup, I lean against the counter and think about where to go next. I don't usually stay in places long, always leaving as soon as I begin to feel attached.

     I've been thinking about heading home, but there's a piece of me there that I'm trying to hide from, but it seems as if I'm not allowed to. The skeletons of my pasts won't leave me alone, following me everywhere I end up. And if I go home it's only going to get worse, even if I do miss my family.

    I turn back towards my tea just as it finishes and I pull it out from the machine before I set it on the counter, getting out my sugar milk and honey to set down. I mix and sweeten my tea the way I like before grabbing my magazine from the living room table and heading to the balcony that the apartment cane with.

      I open the sliding door stepping out into the mid morning air and I place my drink at the table and close the door behind me. I sit down on the furniture and take a peaceful look out over the expanse of the city.

     I've always loved to views up high. You never have to worry about the people in the ground. You don't have to grow attached or form connections, you're above it all where nothing can bother you. I sigh as my wistful thinking, picking up my cup to blow on the beverage before I take a small sip. I've only been sitting there a few minutes before I feel the air tingle with electricity to the left of me. Already knowing what it is, I watch with mild disgust as the letter appears in the air and drops into my lap softly. I pick up the paper and set it aside on the table, not even bothering to open it. No matter where I go, or for how long, these letters always pop up where I am, trying to convince me to go back home. But I refuse.

I take another sip of my tea and I turn my attention to the table when my phone starts ringing. I think about straight out ignoring the call, but decide to check the caller ID and a smile breaks across my face when I see who it is. I press the green button and pull the phone up to my ear as I greet the caller.

"Hey, Alex!"

"Hey, Bri, how are you?" He asks me and I smile softly, having missed the sound of my brother's voice.

"You know. I'm still alive. Not completely sure if that's a good or bad thing, but it's something." I tell him turning my attention to some half dead flowers that are blooming along the wall to my right. I let go of the reigns on my power a little bit, letting it drift down my arm and to my finger tips. I reach out to touch the vine, filling it with the soothing breath of magic and watch softly as it blooms and rebirths in front of my eyes.

"It's definitely a good thing." He says and there's a pause before he continues and I already know where this is headed, dreading the fact that I picked up the phone now. "Your cousin came by this morning." He tells me quietly and I don't say anything making him sigh. "Bri you can't just ignore such a huge part of yourself."

"Actually Alex, I can. Why did it take them so long to reach out? And why does she suddenly want to meet me now?" I ask him, the familiar burn of resentment settling in my chest.

"If you cared to open your letters, it would say why. You had an adoption which is closed to outside people. She didn't know where you were. You guys parents weren't exactly on speaking terms when they died. The fact is she's trying to reach out now." He tells me and I roll my eyes.

"I don't even know why she keeps bothering me. I don't need to go mingle with a bunch of stuck up Faeries." I tell him, making the flowers along the wall change colors and grow bigger, the action bringing a smile to my face.

"That's because you already are one." He grumbles and though he doesn't mean to, it reminds me of what I said to Chloe two years ago when we first met and the way I acted.

"Hey. I'm still growing." I say defensively and he laughs.

"You would think being an earth Faerie that process would be faster." He snorts and I ignore him, used to the jokes he and the rest of his new family have about me being a Faerie, my kind never having the best rep outside of ourselves, making my decision to avoid them that much easier.

We go back and forth for a while longer until he sighs and tries once more though my mind is already made up. "Just come down for the twins birthday. Come see Jonah for a little while. Maybe go out for lunch with her. She doesn't act like other Faeries I've met, Toot. Just give it a chance." I groan silently at the nickname, knowing that's it's my downfall.

If I'm being completely honest with myself, I hadn't planned on going home for the twin's first birthday, just sending presents, too bent on staying away from the terrible species that I fall into. But I know I miss my baby Ash and my partner in crime Matty. They've started crawling since the last time I saw them four months ago. I miss the feeling of being wanted and loved, but I can't help this nagging feeling that if I stick around too long I'll either fuck it up, or something will happen to them. I sigh to myself, knowing I know have no choice, and terrified with all the possibilities that may happen.

"Fine. I'll stay for a week. I'll go to lunch with her but if I don't like her, I'll sprinkle dirt in her hair and drink all her tea." I tell him, closing my magazine and he laughs, not knowing that I'm being one hundred percent honest at the moment.

"Good. It'll be nice to have you around. We miss you here. I wish you would move back home if only for a few months." He says quietly and I know he misses me and I miss him too, but every time I settled down for more than a few months in one place something happens. I can't afford to get attached to everyone back home more than I already have.

"I know." I tell him quietly and he sighs. I quickly change the subject, not liking the sudden heaviness in the conversation. "I'll start packing now. I'll probably be there in a day or two." I tell him and I can feel his mood shift through the phone.

"Great! I'll let everyone know you're coming." He tells me and we say our goodbyes before I hang up the phone with a frown. I grab my magazine and my now empty cup of tea and head back into the apartment.

Closing the door behind me, I enter the kitchen area and wash and dry my cup before putting it back in the box on the counter before adding the sugar and honey back to the box in the floor. Looking around the apartment, I realized with a sad smile that I never actually unpacked here even though I've been here for a month. I shake my head to clear my thoughts before I head into the bedroom to do my hair and get the little clothes I have out back in their designated places.

Maybe It's just my paranoia or my sixth sense that no one believes is real, but something tells me that this visit home, might change my life more than I want.

Damn that fear of getting attached do be me though. I'm so excited for her to go home so we can see the twins again. I love them. I need a girls night out chapter and I think imma do one.



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