Home and Waiting

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Briana's POV

     I climb into the front seat as I try to calm my breathing, grateful for the distraction of giving directions towards home to help me think of something else.

    Even though in my heart I know that Art is okay, the tether between our souls bond tight and strong, I can't help the sinking dread of what's to come for her given my history. I buckle into the seat in the front and offer Percy a weak smile which he returns before patting me on the shoulder quickly before returning his hand to the wheel.

   "Good job. The first time Art wanted to sneak me out, she almost threw up from nerves." He tells me and my eyebrows raise in surprise, my lips twitching into a genuine smile at the amusing thought.

"No way. She would kill you if she knew you told me that." I answer him with a small chuckle and he frowns before nodding his head seriously.

"Oh definitely. To her darling Knot she's only supposed to look tough fierce and put together. Only her personal guard and the two of us have ever had the hilarious pleasure of seeing her disorganized and like a complete mess, before you came that is." Percy chuckles and I smile, knowing he tacked on the last part to be nice.

That is, until I remember that terrible day we stood there and listened to way her family and Court spat on our bond and sign her up to be a childbearing poster Princess in order to hold onto her crown and respect of her people. I remember the way she completely fell apart in my arms, even when she was hurting so bad, she still held some of it in, the pain inside of her so great and suffocating. That's the only time she's torn her walls down in front of me, and nothing has made me feel as close to her since that day, though the vulnerability did make my instincts to protect and care for her spike up fiercely.

Even now, I can't help but thinking that the worst possible scenario is going on, my fear a grieve grip on my heart.

Before I can disappear into my head completely, Percy asks me for the next turn, and I guide him before feeding my curiosity rather than my anxiety by asking him a question. "Hey Percy what was that ID that you gave him? It seemed familiar."

He chuckles, his muscles bulging impressively as he turn the wheel for a left, the pack lands only minutes away, my shoulders relaxing bit by bit as we get close. " It should every Faerie has one. Whenever you fill out paperwork or go to an important place, you need to know your ID number. It starts with your type of powers and then your status before a string of letters that's specific to you. Mine is FFRG. That means I'm a Fire Faerie that's apart of the Royal Guard. A few years ago they asked if I wanted to get it officially changed to Royal Advisor but I declined. I love being apart of the Guard and once Artemis wants someone that can help with the more political side of things I hope to return to the Guard and work my way up to Captain." He tells me wistfully.

"Mine is be WFRWA36589 because I'm a Water Faerie and I'm a Royal Wardrobe Advisor. It helps them keep track of who's going in and out of the castle to help get rid of threats and know who's supposed to be there or not. I'm sure we can look you up and find yours, though it'll need to be updated." Anna explains quietly and I nod taking in the information.

    When I turn my head I sit up excitedly, pointing towards the entrance to the parklands, only taking a few minutes to pull into the driveway of my brother.

   I feel myself relax if only a little bit as I step out of the car, happy that I get an excuse to see my family, realizing that I've missed them even if it's only been a few days since I've seen them. I walk up towards the door and knock on it, only having to wait a few moment before a slightly worried looking Alex answer the door. I see Ashley trying to follow his Dad down the hallway, his crawling adorable as he shimmies his way towards us.

"Can we come in?" I ask, peering behind me towards Percy and Ana who are waiting at the end of the steps.

Without hesitation Alex nods, opening the door for us to follow him, scooping little Ash off of the floor as he takes us towards the living room, Percy closing the door behind everyone before following.

When we get inside the large family room, I find Maddy laying on her stomach having tummy time, the sweet girl playing with the toys laid around her in a circle, her curious giggles making me want to scoop her up and snuggle her. I turn towards Alex and sit on the couch beside him, leaning deep into the cushion as I feel fear continue to eat away at me.

"What's going on, Toot?" Alex asks me, worry clear in his voice and I turn towards him, wishing I had all the information to tell him.

"I don't really know honestly. All I know is that some of the people who are in the castle haven't been acting okay. Some people are disappearing all together and others just seem like someone sucked out their personality or soul and prepared it with someone completely different. Even Chelsea isn't the same." I tell him, drawing my legs up to my chest, holding them closing with my arms wrapped around me as if it could protect me from what happened to my cousin.

"Where's Art? Is she okay?" He asks me, his last question going unasked but I answer it anyway as tears creep into my eyes.

"She wanted us to get out of there so she want to deal with another suitor, leading people away from her Chambers. She asked her Advisor, Percy to get me and her head servant out of there. He's apart of the Royal Guard. She said she would try to meet us here once things were quiet and she could escape, but I'm scared. I don't know what's going on. What if..?" Before I can finish the question, Alex has my face in his hands, Ashley crawling over to crash in my lap.

"Toot, nothing is going to happen to Artemis, not because of you or anyone. She is one badass Faerie who doesn't take shit from anyone. And now that she has you to worry about, I can guarantee you that she's going to come back unharmed and her regular crazy self." He tells me and I try to have faith in his words.

He starts to ask questions towards Anna and Percy and I find myself sitting on the floor playing with Matty as my mind races about all that could be going wrong, my heart calling out to my Knot praying and hoping that she makes it back to call me her little butterfly just one more time.

A little shorter than usual, but I'm very proud of myself no matter what's been going on, I made sure to make writing a priority so I could get some done. I'm so intrigued about what's going to happen.



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