It's Called Desire

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As much as I told myself that the dream I had experienced the previous night was nothing, just one of those weird dreams that you got every once in a while, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about it as if it was something that did happen and that I should be ashamed because of it. I didn’t understand why I felt that way, which just added confusion about as to why I had actually had that odd dream. I tried to think of reasons why one’s mind would create such an illusion while sleeping.

Sure, in reality, Ricky was in potential danger, which explained why I would be trying to sooth him… but kissing?

That I just did not understand.

And I sure as hell didn’t understand why I had imagined Ricky while I was with Mike.

That’s what was bothering me when I woke up, and it’s what was bothering me as I showered and got ready for work that day.  It just wouldn’t leave my mind, and that bothered me even more; it was just a strange dream, so it shouldn’t be such a big deal to me.

And yet it was. It was a big deal to me, because Ricky was a big deal to me. I may have come to bond with the other creatures that inhabited the disgraceful facility, but Ricky was just… different. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but there was something about him that made him stand out from the others, and it wasn’t just his large, alabaster wings.

There was something about him. Maybe it was the way that he spoke, or maybe the way he thought. Maybe I took pity on him for losing his parents in such a terrible way, or being caught and subjected to whatever the facility might have wanted to do to him.

Maybe I felt bad, because those beautiful wings couldn’t take him anywhere.

He was like a bird in a cage. Needing to spread their wings, and barely having the room. Meant to fly, but having nowhere to go. A magnificent creature, born into absolute freedom, only to be locked up and observed like someone’s property.

I knew I had to get him out of there, before they did something to him like they did to the others, but when I thought about it, I felt utterly useless. I was just one person. One person who wanted to save the lives of dozens, while there could be hundreds in my way as far I knew. The facility was big; I had no idea how many people they had working for them and I didn’t know how it worked. Was the place own by one person, or many? Were they selfish, cold-hearted people? That was my guess…

It didn’t matter though, and it didn’t matter whether I had one or a thousand people against me; somehow, I was going to help the creatures they kept locked up. I was going to show them freedom. I didn’t quite know how, not yet, but what I did know was that I was willing to put my life on the line if it meant Ricky’s chance at a life at all.


Deciding how I wanted to go about my day was fairly certain after everything that had been going through my mind. Once I arrived at the facility, I made my way down the halls and through the doors, skipping the kitchen for the time being and instead going straight to Ricky’s cell. I didn’t really have a reason as to why I had decided to visit him first, but it just felt like the right thing to do. He had seen occupying my thought since I had woken up and I felt the need to see him, even if I didn’t have anything of importance to do or say. I just wanted Ricky’s company.

He was already looking at me through the large window as I walked to the door beside it, unlocking it and walking into the plain white cell that held the quiet angel. He remained crouched in the corner as I normally found him, wings folded in while watching me with a steady gaze as I walked further into the room to sit on the floor beside him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2015 ⏰

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Horrific Angel ~ Chris Motionless x Ricky Horror (Cricky)Where stories live. Discover now