First Day On The Job

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Josh left me alone so I could start getting used to being around the creatures on my own. Since it was my first day and since it wasn’t exactly that official quite yet, I decided to kind of just look around for the time being; see what else they got around here.

I decided to go up to the next level first. I slowly walked along the walls, looking into each room and trying to figure out what was in each of them, sometimes stopping in front of one of them to just watch; fortunately not all of them were dark inside like the first ones that I saw earlier. I stopped in front of a room that looked like another forest, but was lit much better than the first.

After waiting a moment, something small and sparkly flew up to me.

A fairy.

I smiled, “Hi,” I greeted him in a soft voice. The fairy smiled and waved at me, and I actually let out a giggle. He glanced behind himself, and a few more fairies flew up to him, and they waved at me. I gave a little wave back to them, and they flew over to the side of the window near the door that leads inside. I walked over to them and saw that they were pointing at the door. I thought for a second,

“You want me to come in?” I asked them, and they nodded enthusiastically. I smiled and opened the door, and I walked in, closing the door behind me. They flew up to me, all hovering around me. The first one from before flew up in front of my face, and I was a little surprised when I heard him giggle,

“Hi! My name’s Bret! What’s yours?” he asked in a cheery voice.

“Chris,” I answered happily as one of the other fairies landed on my shoulder and sat down.

“Nice to meet you Chris! Are you going to be taking care of us now, instead of Josh?”

I nodded, “Yeah, I am. But I’m sure he’ll still come and visit you guys sometimes,” I assured him. Bret giggled again,

“It’s ok, you seem nice!” he said.

“Thanks,” I chuckled, “so do you,”

“Eh, it’s what we do,” he shrugged, and I laughed. “Hey, you don’t need to waste your time on us, you can go meet some of the other creatures if you want,” he said with a smile. I shrugged, “You guys are kinda cool though, I don’t mind staying.”

“Come on, go!” he laughed. I put on a mock-offended face, “Are you trying to get rid of me??”

Bret laughed again “Shut up! Am not.”

“Ok, ok,” I chuckled, “I’ll go now,” I made my way to the door, “It was nice meeting you all though.”

“You too,” he smiled.

I opened the door and walked out, and I waved at them through the window before walking off to find another room. I passed several windows, not really finding anything that interested me enough, until I came across a plain white room. I stopped in front of it and looked inside, and there was a man dressed in black, crouching in the corner and seeming to stare off into space. I decided to open the door, and he glanced up at me as I walked in.

“Hey,” I said softly as I closed the door behind me. He only stared at me, and I frowned as I wondered what was different about him; he looked perfectly normal to me. I slowly walked toward him,

“I’m Chris, I’ll be taking care of you guys now,” I said in a voice that almost made it sound like I was asking a question. The young man continued to stay silent, but as I stepped closer to him he moved, and I saw why he was here…

He had wings. Big, beautiful white wings that were folded behind his back, and they were so pure you could barely see them from afar against the white walls of the room. I gasped slightly as he spread them out,

Horrific Angel ~ Chris Motionless x Ricky Horror (Cricky)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें