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The next day I woke up with a smile on my face, eager to spend some more time with the creatures, especially Ricky.

I got out of bed and took a shower, then put on some clothes and did my hair and makeup. I did a bit of a better job then I have lately since I knew that there would be… people to appreciate it.

When I got there I decided that I wanted to talk to Josh so I could thank him for everything, so I made my way through the halls of the facility, trying to figure out where he was.

Not knowing where to go, I slid my card key (Josh had given me one earlier) through the lock of the next door that I saw, and opened it.

What I saw sickened me.

Dozens of large tubes filled with what looked like water occupied the room, and in each of them were… a creature.

Vampires, harpies, mermaids and mermen, what looked to me like demons… there were so many. Some were unconscious, calm as the bubbles around them quickly floated to the surface.

But others were wide awake.

Their eyes were wide and filled with fear and anger as they thrashed about, trying to break free from their watery prisons. Some of them were connected to each other with smaller tubes and cables.

Slowly, cautiously I walked up to the first one, and in it was angry harpy. It’s large, pink wings were pushed against the glass, trying to stretch them out but failing. It kicked its legs and clawed at the glass, its pink hair whipping around as it violently shook its head.

I watched it with wide eyes, not believing that anyone could do this. After a few moments it locked eyes with me, and it looked like it wanted to kill me.

Before I thought that harpies were only female, and seeing that this one had all-pink feathers I went ahead and assumed so. But after it slowed down its movements for a moment and I was able to see its gaunt face, I realized it was male.

And another thing that surprised me: it was covered in tattoos.

It confused me… creatures couldn’t live a normal life. They couldn’t just walk into a tattoo parlor, and the facility definitely wouldn’t tattoo their creatures… I didn’t understand.

Horrific Angel ~ Chris Motionless x Ricky Horror (Cricky)Where stories live. Discover now