~Corrosive love~ SCP-106 x reader

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The  breach alarms went off, awaking you from your slumber. You sat in your office chair as you rubbed your eyes. Quickly realizing what was happening you jumped up. "Oh.. shit." You groaned. You stepped outside of the room, looking around you. You did not want that cursed sculpture breaking your neck. You walked through the heavy containment zone, opening the doors with your key card. "I can't believe i slept through all the panic." You groaned, shaking your head. "Where are the mobile task forces when you need them?" You complained. You were afraid something was coming to get you.

You began to see corrosive patches on the walls and ceiling. "Oh you have got to be k-kidding me." You stuttered. You silently stood there, looking around the storage room you were in. You were shaking in your boots, trying to convince yourself that everything was alright. "A-alright, i just.. need to get to the safety shelter." You spoke to no one but yourself. The route was uneventful until you heard raspy breathing behind you. You did not look back, you just began to run. There was no way you were going to slow down to look what was behind you

"Please leave please leave please leave!" You begged the creature that was slowly chasing you. Going through the Tesla gate without dying you fell down, unable to move a muscle. You were too weak to keep running. You cursed the day you took this job. You sobbed with your head in your arms. You heard the footsteps approaching. But then... the Tesla gates activated and the footsteps suddenly stopped. You forced yourself to get on your feet. Looking behind you, you saw patches of corrosion on the floor leading up to the Tesla gate, before stopping abruptly. "So it was.."

You shook your head and slowly made your way to the entrance zone. Before you knew it you heard scraping. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me." You whined. You frantically looked around you, when your eyes rested on a familiar peanut shaped statue. You kept your eyes on it as you started to back off, your hand behind you to try and press the button in order to open the door.  You were so focused on the statue that you did not realize a very familiar entity coming up behind you.  A mouth  gripped your face and pulled you backwards into the depths below. Your muffled screams went unheard as everything went dark.

"Researcher (l/n), may i have your attention?" You looked up from your desk to see the site director standing in your office. "Yes of course." You said, somewhat afraid you did something wrong. "I have noticed you worked hard, so i have decided to move you to a new project." He exclaimed. "Oh, what might that project be?" You asked, hoping you weren't stuck with SCP-682. He placed a file on your desk, nodded at you and left. You looked on it, your heart dropping when you saw the name on the file

"SCP-106, the old man."

Your eyes fluttered open. You were laying on a dirty floor. Sitting up you realized that this wasn't the facility. Starting to bleed and your movements slow you made your way through one of the hallways. You tried to stay calm as you fell into another room. On the wall was a message

"My name is not 106."

Your eyes widened. "This... this thing can think?" You asked yourself. From the file you would think 106 was nothing more than a humanoid predator, without thought just instinct. "H-hello, SCP-106? I-if it is not your name.. then what is it?" You asked loudly. Just as you expected there was no answer to your question. You walked through another wall. This time a human heart was laying on the floor. Around it were crude hearts scribbled on the ground. You felt yourself getting more and more weak. But it felt.. comforting somehow.

You knew you were not getting out anymore.

But there was a creeping feeling that you didn't want to leave.

(A/N: I am kinda proud of this so i have a question, should i make a book based of this oneshot?)

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