Arachnid SCP-049 x humanoid spider!reader

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The D-class screamed as he saw you hanging onto the massive webs. The strands being shot from your six hand palms. You stared down at him only to realize he saw the prey stuck in your webs, dead. You started to rapidly descend from the web and towards the D class. Sinking your fangs into his flesh, injecting your poison into the bloodstream of your victim. He quickly stopped screaming and passed out. The researchers were talking, then the door opened a man walked in. He was wearing a plague doctors outfit, he was handcuffed and two guards were walking behind him. The entity looked you up and down and the limp D-class in your arms.

''Oh my.'' Was all he said. One of the guards handed you a key while the other one pointed the gun at you, to make sure you don't attack. After they had left you stared at the the man. ''Who the hell are you?'' You hissed at him. ''There is no need to be so hostile, i am known as SCP-049.'' You climbed back up your web and stared down at him. He was studying your features and hummed. ''Would you please come down from there?'' He asked you. You thought for a moment, then agreed. You climbed back down and was standing on all eight. He walked over to you and kneeled down. ''Now would you provide me with your name?'' He asked. ''I am SCP-7045, The humanoid spider. You can call me (y/n) though.'' He hummed and nodded.

You two talked for a while about your hobbies. He rambled on and on about the pestilence and how nobody saw he was right. You honestly thought he was quite interesting. The researchers were talking to each other and taking notes in the background. You have been planning a breach for a while and thought this was the perfect opportunity to cause one. Seeing as you had another anomaly to back you up. You let out a chant in a unknown language. SCP-049 gave you a puzzled look. Then the glass shattered as millions of spiders crawled out from seemingly nowhere, ramming against the glass. You got on all eight limbs and crawled out of the chamber into the researchers lab. You snatched the key card and opened the door. SCP-049 walked out of the room. ''Let's start a breach and get out of this hellhole!'' You yelled. ''I see.'' He said.

You were crawling upside down on the ceiling. SCP-049 was walking underneath you. You made a few webs as traps if people followed you, so you two had some free range. You noticed SCP-049  staring at you so you awkwardly looked at him before he got the hint and averted his eyes. You two kept on going before you heard the announcement. ''The staff that is still alive inside the facility, the MTF unit Eta-10 designated ''See no evil''. Has entered through gate B. the school of operations has moved to the unit Foxtrot 1 to the containment of cognitive hazards and memetic SCP's. Personnel is recommended to continue to emergency shelters and to abide by the assigned protocols. While the Euclid and Keter class SCP's are re-contained, the staff will go through a series of test to determine conditions in order to be evacuated.'' ''Well shit'' You growled SCP-049 looked at you and tilted his head in what you assumed was confusion. ''We need to get out of here.'' You told him. He nodded and followed you. To your annoyance he didn't pick up the pace and kept walking. ''You know, we would get out quicker if you don't take your sweet ass time.'' You snapped at him. He sighed. ''I apologize.'' He began speed-walking, not what you wanted but it was good enough. At least, that is what you thought. The mobile task force unit  were closing in on you two. ''The hell? I thought they only went after memetic hazards!'' You growled. They were pointing their guns a you both.

It has been three weeks after your re containment. You and SCP-049 were surprisingly still allowed to interact with each other. Today you two would meet again. SCP-049 was brought into the cell and had his handcuffs removed. You had kept a body around for him. You were quite curious to see how his operations went. ''Hey, i got something for you.'' You told SCP-049. ''Something for me?'' He asked, surprised. You climbed up the web and threw down a body. You saw his eyes light up behind is mask. ''Well? What are you waiting for? It's all yours.'' You chuckled. ''Ah, i cannot thank you enough.'' You heard a hint of emotion in his voice. He unpacked the corpse from the thick webs and started surgery. The researchers were in a panic. You weren't sure why though. After three hours the corpse suddenly sat up. You looked at it, fascinated.  The corpse got up, and began wandering around. Four guards crashed into the chamber and neutralized the reanimated body. ''Hey! What the hell?'' You yelled. ''It's fine, (y/n).'' 049 reassured you. You mumbled some profanities under your breath as the guards swiftly removed the corpse from the chamber.

You were sitting on the floor. All of your arms crossed and you were pouting. 049 let out a small chuckle and brushed the hair out of your face. All of your 8 eyes then focused of him. You didn't want to admit the fact you were into him. After all, who would love a freak like you. He must've noticed you staring because he gave you a concerned look.  ''is everything  alright? is there something wrong?'' He questioned. You shook your head and looked away. He got a little closer and  cupped your face. ''Don't you trust me?'' You panicked a bit. ''No no! Of course i trust you, because i love you and-'' You quickly covered your mouth.  He perked up. ''Pardon me, what did you just say?'' He asked. You refused to speak. He sighed and pulled you into a hug, stroking your hair. ''The feelings are mutual.'' He said. You wrapped your arms around him. The researched quickly went to report this incident. After all, wasn't it odd?

(1037 words, hope you all enjoyed)

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