~Rest~ SCP 049 x sick!reader

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(MORE 049 stuff cross posted from tumblr, i swear these were requests.)

The breach alarms blared as you pulled through, sluggish.

You had gotten sick, and not mildly. You were in the infirmary when a few Euclid and Keter class SCPs broke out of their cells. Seeing no other option, you decided to press forward. Otherwise you would most likely die. A hoarse cough escaped your lips as you dragged yourself through the heavy containment zone.

Until you heard another pair of footsteps.

Immediately, you came to a halt. Holding in another coughing fit to the best of your ability, your eyes darted across the empty hall. In your peripheral vision, you saw a black figure, wearing a white mask. Panic washed over you, and you speeding up, coughing up smile and bile as you went.

"Oh my."

The SCPs metallic voice sounded behind you, a pair of steady footsteps swiftly catching up to you. "No.." you managed to mutter, your body physically gave out, and you were forced to slow down. A gloved hand placed itself upon you shoulder, and you felt tears run down your cheeks. "Please don't hurt me," you meekly sounded. Your sickness washed away all logical thoughts. "Do not be afraid, i'm not here to hurt you." Your body reacted in a slightly soothed manner, as the anomaly positioned himself besides you. "I can see you're not well. You require my assistance."

The SCP wrapped one arm around your body, supporting your weight so you could let go of the wall. You didn't understand his current behavior. But you felt glad he didn't take you out with his death touch. "Let's get you somewhere, so i can properly aid you." You no longer had the strength to argue. Slowly, 049 guided you through the long halls. He studied your features. Your face was pale, your eyes red, and sweat constantly dripped down your face. Heavy breaths often interrupted by coughs. He let go of your arm, leaning down.

And lifting you up in his arms.

A slight panic took a hold, but 049 stood firm. "There, simply remain calm, you are rather ill." You made sure none of his robed skin touches yours. He stepped over dead bodies until the two of you reached his containment cell.

Carefully, he sat you down on his operating table. "I understand this may not be the most comfortable." He walked around the table, picking up his medical bag. Immediately you tensed, leaning away. 049 stepped closer, placing the bag on the end of the table on it's side. After, he grabbed you by the shoulders, and laid you down, your head resting on the bag. To your surprise, the bag felt rather soft, nothing sharp poked at you. "I shall remain by your side, i understand the other.. anomalies will harm you, should i depart."

"You did you help me?" He seemed slightly off guard with that question. "I am a doctor, it is my duty." The anomaly looked down at you. "And you are in need of my assistance." His eyes drifted to the door. "I suspect the scale of this breach might cause.. dire consequences."

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