SCP-049 x ER nurse!reader

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Working as a member of medical staff in the foundation was hectic to say the least. You saw the weirdest kinds of injuries. Guards, researchers, D class, you saw them all. Sometimes you were lucky with tending to some broken bones or internal bleeding. But sometimes you had to deal with anomalous diseases or injuries. The worst of the job were the containment breaches. Just like now.

Your co workers ran back and forth to deal with the damage. The majority of the staff couldn't make it to the blast shelters and safe rooms. Something about SCP-079 being in charge of the facility at the time. The site director, who had suffered three broken bones, said that the chaos insurgency was responsible.

You wiped sweat off your forehead as you sank into your seat. You never expected to do any of this after the incident with SCP-507, but here you were. Just when you were about to go back to helping you heard a voice behind you.

"Hey, you there!"

You turned to see a guard waving you over. "We need your help here." He walked over with a file. "Since most of the researchers are dead, off-site or recovering we need you to interview one of the anomalies." You raised a brow. "What gives? I'm not qualified to do that." He shrugged. "Some odd behavior from a sapient SCP, protocol y'know." A slight huff came from him. "It's a nice break from this carnage." You thought about it for a second, then nodded. "As long as it doesn't threaten my very soul." He let out a small laugh. "Right right. No, this ones pretty calm, it won't fly at your throat." Wanting to get out of this chaos as soon as possible, you agreed.


"Y/n, it is a pleasure to see you in good health."

You deadpanned at the plague doctor sitting across from you. Although you weren't expecting to speak to him of all creatures, you couldn't say you were disappointed. "Uh yeah, i'm doing quite alright, thank you." You sat down as the anomaly straightened his back. "I recall you wearing different garments at our last encounter. I assume your position has changed?"

"I became a part of medical staff."

His eyes visibly lit up at that information. "Ah, i expected nothing less from you, always making the wisest choices." You smiled as he continued. "If you ever are in need of help with medicine, i'm always willing to make time for you." "Much appreciated 049, however i have some questions for you. Regarding the last breach." He tensed, uncomfortable. You looked down at your clipboard with that file the guard handed you. "Ah right. They said you showed... out of character behavior last breach. Is this true?" His discomfort appeared to worsen as he briefly glances at the guard standing behind the glass. "Yes, well. I admit to losing my composure, somewhat." You shifted, crossing your legs as you slightly moved your chair. "Can you elaborate?" 049 locked his fingers together before he continued. "When i heard about the current situation, i worried you had been harmed, given i was unable to locate you. The wardens were.. less than helpful, and i admit to losing my temper."

"So your aggression was because you couldn't find me?"

It sounded strange, almost unbelievable that SCP-049 would care about your well being more than curing those in his immediate area. "Yes, that would be correct." "Well then, why is that?" Although you could piece it together somewhat, you knew the foundation wouldn't settle for simple assumptions. "As i have stated before, your immunity to the pestilence is invaluable for my research, i have not seen anyone this resilient before." You scribbled it down, trying to ignore his piercing gaze. "You don't have to worry about me so much," you assured him. "You know i can handle myself just fine."

"I know this, y/n. I truly do. Though i fear i cannot cease my worry for you. We both know you have a habit of falling into.. less than ideal situations."

You chuckled. "That will be all, doctor, thank you." You stood up, and walked to the door.

"Ah, y/n. One more thing."

You turned to him. "Hm?"

"I do look forward to working with you, in the medical field of course. I expect you to work hard."

"I will, thank you, 049."

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