~Mine~ SCP-682 x reader

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(requests will probably take very very long)

Being assigned to SCP-682 must have been the worst thing to ever happen to you. Not many people made it out alive. You already hated your job, but this was excessive. Right now you were sitting in the observation chamber overseeing the acid bath that was it's cell. Your head rested in your hand as you couldn't hide the look of disdain on your face. The creature itself was stationary, you were thankful for that. If it decided to go on another rampage you would most likely be one of the first to perish. That little comforting thought was quickly ruined when you heard it growl. Just about having a heart attack, you reached over to the cell's intercom. You had to be ready if it started talking. After it ate the last D-class with a microphone, a permanent system was installed. You weren't sure why they bothered, given the expenses. Now it was grumbling to itself. Taking a deep breath, you pressed on the button.

"Is there anything wrong, SCP-682."

Immediately you wanted to smack yourself for that question. Of course a human hating, destructive, regenerating monster in a tub of burning acid, that the foundation constantly tries to kill, would never be  truly happy. It reared it's head up to your observation chamber. "Wrong..." it trailed off in it's deep voice. You could almost feel it's rage. "What do you think?" It hissed. "Ah.. i'm sorry, i didn't mean to offend you." The anomaly went back to grumbling to itself. You wiped the sweat off your brow. It didn't rampage at you, that was good. The anomaly was still facing up at you. "You cannot keep me here forever, you know." The fear crept back at you, replacing the relief.

"What..." was all that you could bring out. "They won't let you out either." That sentence didn't make sense to you. Standard to protocol, you called one of your superiors on a specialized phone. You waited, staring at the anomaly who had now looked down. "Disgusting creatures, preaching about the greater good whilst keeping their own kind trapped." This behavior greatly concerned you, why would it matter to it, that you were trapped as well. "Wha- i.." words were stuck in your throat. "If you had the chance to flee, would you?" It stopped your chanced at trying to form a regular sentence. "What.. why would you ask me that?" A moment of silence fell.

Interrupted by the breach sirens.

682 erupted into a loud roar, slamming it's tail into the wall. Brick tumbling down into the acid. You immediately backed off and began running. Ignoring the other researchers, ducking underneath the arms of another SCP and slamming your key card through the lock. But no avail, causing you to slam face first into the door. Behind you, you heard the glass shatter. Your head turned, your heart sinking as you saw the reptile's snout through the shattered glass. "079 shut down the facility, you're stuck." Tears began to form down your face. You absolutely didn't want to die to this SCP, like so many had done before. You slid down, attempting to make yourself as small as possible, not that it would help. "Stop cowering," it snapped at you. "Get up." Afraid of what disobedience might cause you, you rose back to your feet. "I'm not here to kill you, you're coming with me." It crawled through the broken glass, you wondering how it could climb all the way up. Acid dripped off it's rotting and regenerating flesh and scales.

"Wh.. what?"

"You heard me."

It came to a slow halt right in front of your nose. "All life is disgusting, but you are the only person i don't find insufferable."  It lowered it's snout to take a closer look at you. "And therefore i will free you too." Your heart was racing with anxiety and fear. "You'll be my mate.

Won't you?"

SCP oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें