Drama. SCP-035 x reader

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''So, i am supposed to interview.. a mask?'' You asked the researchers. They nodded. After working at the foundation for three years, you thought you had seen it all. But a talking mask was something you were not expecting. You looked though the glass in the containment chamber. There in a glass case was a white porcelain mask. You couldn't make out the details though. ''How am i supposed to question it?'' You questioned. Then you noticed two guards bringing in a D-class. It  suddenly clicked. ''Oh.. that makes sense.'' Your friend Bert chuckled. ''You're not very bright (y/n).'' You shot him a glare. ''How was i supposed to know?'' Your conversation was interrupted by the D-class screaming. You quickly turned to  the the D-class laughing and standing up. The voice was.. twisted and demonic. ''I think that's your cue.'' He said. You walked into the room, and sat down in the chair. The D-class was wearing the mask, something you hadn't noticed before.

''Nice to meet you! And who might you be?'' The ''thing'' said while standing up and extending it's hand. ''No, thank you.'' You awkwardly replied. ''Awww, Why not? You're not being very polite.'' You just stared at him. ''Alright, fine.'' He sat down on the chair. ''Since you're here and i have a host. I am assuming the interview ban has been lifted?'' You nodded. ''Not very talkative are you?'' He sat back down. ''Sorry, I've never done interviews before.'' ''Oh? Well i am so honored to be your first darling.'' You felt your face getting red. ''Ah, i see.'' You looked at the paper with questions. ''So we are allowed to begin.''

''Are there people who are not suited to wear you? Or people you wouldn't want to be worn by?'' You asked it. ''Acne, anyone with acne.'' The mask replied. ''I see.'' You wrote it up on the paper. You felt SCP-035 staring at you. ''What?'' ''Don't worry about Lil' old me. I was just admiring your beauty.'' You tensed up and started blushing like mad. ''What's wrong (y/n)?'' He asked with a chuckle in his voice. You foolishly covered your face with your hands. SCP-035 quickly walked around the table, standing still next to you. He put your hands on your shoulder. Your blood ran cold. How could you be this stupid? Bert wanted to send guards in to retrieve you, but noticed the odd behavior of the mask. You were shaking as a leaf. SCP-035 shook his head. ''Why are you so afraid of me?'' He pet your head.  You felt yourself slowly give in. Maybe you were just paranoid, maybe the foundation lied? You quickly snapped out of your thoughts. The mask was trying to manipulate you. But why? He could just kill you right now. The guards quickly ran into the room, pointing their weapon at SCP-035. It shook it's head, wrapping his arms around you. Whispering something in your ear. ''I will see you soon.''

The guards finally got you away from that damned mask. You were quarantined for a week to check your mental health. Everyone was surprised you suffered from nothing. You were oddly completely fine, no traumas, nothing. Instead your mood greatly improved. You were sitting in your room. ''I will see you soon?'' You mumbled. What does that even mean. Your thoughts were interrupted by the breach alarm. ''SCP-035 AND SCP-049 HAVE BREACHED CONTAINMENT.'' You drowned out the rest of the words. ''You don't mean..''

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