Chapter 11- We Almost Kissed

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...........After a few minutes of silence Riker says, "i have a plan!"....................
I give him a look to continue. "Well you see the whole time you have been here all Ross has talked about is you Fernanda. I think he is dating Danielle to make you jealous." Riker say as i cut him off. "That makes sense cause after i sent him to help Danielle he complained and asked if i liked him when i said no he asked if i would be jealous if he asked someone out. After i said no was when he asked Danielle out." I say clearing my head. "Okay anyways when we teased Ross about liking you he said he didn't but it is obvious he does. So if we pretend to date then Ross will get jealous, break up with Danielle, tell you he likes you, and i can comfort Danielle." Riker says happily. "But i don't like Ross" i state "yeah yeah yeah i know you don't Fernanda." Riker says sarcastically as i roll my eyes. "Well what do you say please?" Riker questions giving you the pouty face. "Ugh fine." I agree "yes we'll start tomorrow." He says about to fall asleep again. "What if they ask questions." I say "hmm well let's just say after everyone fell asleep i asked you out and you said yes." He smiles at his plan. "Okay." I say laying back down on Riker's chest and falling asleep....................................................
"Aww they are so cute" I hear along with camera clicks. "Yeah" someone says hastily "i wonder if they are dating?" Someone gushes. I sit up opening my eyes to see the lynch's crowded around me and Riker. I look up at Ross to see him looking upset. He looks into my eyes shakes his head and walks off. I hear mumbling behind me as Riker sits up. "Morning everyone." He says awkwardly. "What's going on here?" Rydel questions "what do you mean?" I fire back. "You falling asleep on Riker's chest." Rocky smirks "oh that we are dating." Riker shrugs getting up and walking to the kitchen with everyone behind him. "You are what" Rydel questions "Riker and I are dating" i say as Ross spits out his drink from across the kitchen. "You okay baby" Danielle says walking up to Ross and hugging him as Ross nods. "Oh my gosh that is so adorable Riker" Rydel gushes happily. "Wait when did you ask her out?" Ryland asks "last night" Riker shrugs "how you were one of the first asleep." Ross sneers "i woke up and everyone except Fernanda was asleep, we started talking and i asked her out." Riker answers calmly winking at me. I look to see Ross looking upset and i frown he was always smiling or smirking but now he was not his usual self. "Hey Fernanda, i forgot my clothes across the street come with me?" Riker asks sweetly as i nod. "You okay?" Riker questions as we walk to his house. "Yeah" i reply "seems like the plan is working. You think?" He asks. "Yeah Ross seemed really upset and unhappy about all of it." I say "yeah he did and i saw Danielle checking me out before we left." Riker says happily "that's so great Rike I'm happy for you." I giggled nudging him. We finally made it back to my house where everyone was doing their own thing. I walked outside to be alone as Riker started talking to his brothers. "Hey" I hear as i turn to see Ross. "Hey" i reply as he sits next to me. "So you are really dating Riker?" He asks "yeah" i reply faking a smile. "Oh" he mumbled looking at his shoes. "Are you okay?" I ask "umm yeah just stressed didn't get a lot of sleep" Ross says gloomily. "Oh are you sure cause when you walked out you didn't call me angel." I say "well I'm dating Danielle now and You are dating Riker and i don't think him or her would like if i called you angel." He sighed "well do you want to call me angel?" I ask "i always do but i thought you didn't like it." Ross says "it gets annoying but if you want to call me angel you can." I say. "really" he questions looking into my eyes. "Really" i assure him. I soon find we are both getting really close and just when are lips were about to touch Someone opens the screen door. We jump back and turn to see Danielle at the door walking towards us. "Hey baby" she says sitting down and wrapping her arms around Ross. "Hey" he mumbles still looking at me. "what are you guys talking about?" She asks "oh nothing important" i say "I'm gonna go see Riker now" i add getting up and going inside. I sit down next to Riker and whisper in his ear, "We almost kissed"

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