Chapter 4- The Dinner Part 1

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It was the most dreaded day of them all Friday. Let me tell you I usually love Friday's but I hated this Friday because the Lynch's were coming over to my house to have a family dinner with my family. For the past few days I have been avoiding Ross be honest i really don't know why I'm avoiding him but I am. "Hey Fernanda you should be getting ready for dinner tonight." Chance says sticking his head in my room. "Umm thanks I'll get right on it." I reply walking to my closet. "Wait Chance!" I yell a little louder than I should have. "Yeah Sis" He chuckles. "Can I talk to you about something?" I say hesitantly as I sit on my bed. "Umm sure but your not pregnant or anything like that right?" Chance questions sitting across from me as i shake my head. "Good" he nods."anyways Chance you remember Ross right?" I question him. "Yeah isn't he one of the blondes from across the street." He says "yeah well ever since i met him he's been really nice to me. Kari says he's flirting.." I start before Chance cuts me off. "What exactly has the kid been saying?" "Well he calls me cutie, beautiful, and when he caught me checking him out he said it was fine cause he was checking me out too." I say "he what?" Chance raises his voice. "What else?" He says through gritted teeth. "Well Ross and his girlfriend got into a fight and broke up when Paparazzi took pictures of us at the mall talking and made rumors about us dating. Then i comforted him cause he seemed upset and he kissed." I say as Chance balled his fists. "My cheek." I finish as Chance relaxes only a tiny bit. "Chance i wanted you to give me advice not beat the kid up." I whine "fine why do you need advice?" Chance mumbles "well ever since that day I've been avoiding Ross and I don't why." I sigh. "Sounds like you like the little flirt." He says through his teeth. "No i can't like him could I?" I ask. "You could but you shouldn't from what you have said it sounds like he was flirting with you while he was dating someone else. When confronted with the truth he denied it. Which is the reason the girl broke up with him." He replies "what does that mean?" I question. "It means the little flirt probably does it all the time to every girl he meets. Which also means stay away from him as much as possible cause if he makes a move on you I'll murder him and no one will find his body." My overprotective brother says angrily. "Okay" i say awkwardly as I push Chance out so I can get ready for tonight.
I was putting the finishing touches on my makeup when the doorbell rang. I quickly finished and made my way downstairs to see my mom letting our neighbors in. "So why don't we go eat" my mom says walking into the kitchen followed by everyone else. "Hey Fernanda" Ross says winking at me and going into the kitchen. I sigh making my way to the table. "Hey" Rydel chirps pulling me down beside her. I start talking with Rydel when I notice Chance glaring at something so I turned around to find Ross switching places with his brother Riker..I that Ross was now beside me. Turning back around I mouth "be nice" to Chance as he shakes his head and starts chatting with Rocky. My mom finally set all the food on the table with the help of my dad and we all dug in. About halfway through the meal I felt something brush my hand. I look down to my hand to see Ross' hand really close to mine but when i look at Ross he's talking to Ryland. I decide to ignore it and continue eating but then again i felt something but this time it was on my thigh. I looked down to find Ross' hand resting on my thigh so i quickly look to him to see he's still talking to his brothers but now he's smirking. I let out a breath and roll my eyes while returning to my conversation with Rydel. Soon enough though Ross' hand start moving up my thigh so i try to push his hand off but i was only able to move it back to where it was. Since i was getting annoyed i waited for a minute for Rydel to finish eating before excusing ourselves from the table. As we were walking to my room i met Ross' eyes and he winked before returning to his conversation with his brothers.

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