Chapter 9- I'm Sorry

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I woke up from an amazing dream to the sound of of laughter downstairs. I slipped on some jeans and a crop top and put on a little mascara before heading downstairs. "Good morning" Danielle chirped as i walked into the kitchen. "Morning angel" i hear as i turn to find Ross leaning against the counter. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Danielle invited me. Are you not happy to see me?" He smirked "no! Now get out of my house." I said "fine anything for you angel." He replies as he walked to the front door. "Do you really want me gone angel?" "It's too early Ross" i reply "well ill be back later. Bye angel." Ross says walking towards his house. "Aww why'd you make the hottie leave." Danielle pouted "because he's an annoying idiot." I say "now are you going to go grocery shopping with me or not?" I question "nah I'll stay here and catch up on the fosters." Daniele says plopping on the couch. "okay. Oh and Danielle" "yeah" she says "ross is taken." "Oh he never mentioned it" she says sadly "well he told me last night so yeah. I'll see you later." I yell walking out the door. I get into my car and make my way to the grocery store.
*****************Time Skip********************
I was finally done grocery shopping for a few days after an eternity. Actually it was only three hours but close enough. I got out of the car and grabbed a few bags heading into the house. I set them down in the kitchen and then looked downstairs for Danielle. Since i didn't see her i decided to finish getting the grocery's from the car. It took a long time considering no one helped me. I sighed i wish i could leave the grocery's on the counter but some things needed to be refrigerated. So i slowly started putting everything in its place. Finally after thirty minutes all the grocery's were put away. I sighed thinking I need a nap. So i walked up the stairs slowly because of how tired i was. When i got to my room the door was shut. "That's odd i never shut the door." I think as i go to open the door. What i saw shocked me. It was Ross and Danielle making put on my bed. "Okay" i say loudly making them jump and pull away. "Ross get out of my house. And Danielle go do something but just get out of my room." I say angrily. Ross gets up walking towards the door sending me a smile as he goes by. I follow him downstairs and when he opens the front door i push him out. "Fernanda I'm sorry." He says "i thought you said you were taken." I mock him from last night. "I am but Danielle is a good kisser." He says "why would you kiss her in the first place?" I ask "i didn't she invited me over and she kissed me. She was a good kisser so i kissed her back." Ross replies "how did you end up in my room?" I question "she heard your car pull up so she dragged me upstairs. to be honest i didn't know it was your room." "Okay well bye" i snap pushing him towards the door. "Fernanda" he whines leaning in the doorway. "What?" I sigh "i really regret kissing her. I'm sorry." Ross says giving me a pouty face. "You should be apologizing to the girl you had your eye on not me." I say "well then forgive me for making out on your bed?" He questions still making a pouty face. "Ugh" i sigh "yeah i forgive you but if it happens again I'll get Chance to beat you" i say "deal" ross says "now leave" i say pushing him slightly "okay. Okay. Bye angel." Ross says walking out the door and across the street. "What just happened?" Danielle questioned angrily "he said he regretted what happened cause he likes another girl and he was sorry for making out on my bed." I say plopping on the couch. "Oh" Danielle sighs sadly. "Hey look on the bright side he said you were a good kisser." I smirk nudging her. "Really?" She questions happily "really he said it was why he kissed back." I say as Danielle smiles. "Okay now i think we should watch a movie." I suggest. "Or why don't we play a game and then get lunch?" Danielle suggests "great lets go!"


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