I was just about to put the photo back when Nevaeh spoke up. I didn't realise when she came behind me.

"Pretty good looking people right?" She asked before carrying on, "that's why you don't judge a cover by its book!" She said harshly.

"Sorry, I saw the picture and got distracted. I thought they were your parents." I said.

"Oh they are, Lynn's gone into the bathroom, you can come in or you can wait here for a about 5 minutes" Nevaeh said, trying to change the topic so she could hide the pain in her fake smile.

"Oh sorry, I'll wait here, did you find her jumper?" I asked.

"Kinda" she said pointing to a pile of clothes that had been emptied from the suitcase Lynn had been looking through. We both laughed. "I can pack it back up for you if you want?" I offered. She shook her head.

"I'll do it in a bit, or I won't be able to find anything." She said. I nodded and sat on Lynn and Nevaeh's double bed. After 2 minutes I heard Nevaeh yell.

"Lynnnn!! We have to wash your hair babe, sit still!!" Nevaeh exclaimed. I walked up to their bathroom door and knocked on it.

"Yes?" Lynn asked in a mischievous tone.

"Is everything alright?" I asked mostly Nevaeh although I knew Lynn would most likely answer me.

"Ye-" Lynn was cut off by Nevaeh.

"Actually, I have some papers in one of my bags, that say I am going to sell her to the circus, can you bring them in for me?" She asked me sarcastically.

"Yeah, sure" I said, pretending to walk away and make some shuffling sounds before pretending to walk back to the door. I then pulled the handle a little bit before I heard Lynn yell.

"Noo, your a bit and I'm in the bath, and I'm not going to join the circus!!!" She yelled at me making me chuckle.

"Only if you wash your hair!" Nevaeh said.

"Ok ok I will!!" Lynn exclaimed.

"Ok Ross put the papers back in my bag and go sit down" Nevaeh yelled.

I did as I was told. 3 minutes later Nevaeh walke back out with Lynn following closely behind. She only had a towel wrapped around her. She went and sat by the radiator while Nevaeh walked to her small bag and took out some cream, powder and some spray. She walked over to Nevaeh putting on the cream first. As they chatted laughed and played Lynn was soon ready, except her hair was still wet.

"Dry if for me" Lynn begged.

"Do you wanna become an old lady before me?" Nevaeh teased.

"Noo" Lynn exclaimed making me laugh and Rydel wake up. Rydel being Rydel didn't like the idea of waking up anytime before 9 so she picked up a pillow chucking it towards the sound that woke her up. Which was coincidently Lynn!

"Ouch" Lynn exclaimed, making Rydel shot up faster than I ever seen her do before. She scanned the room and then everything came flooding back and she got out of bed and ran to Lynn.

"Omg I'm so sorry baby sis!" She exclaimed.

Me and Nevaeh couldn't stop laughing as Rydel shot me a death glare making Lynn crack up too. Then all four or us were soon lying on the floor laughing. Just them Mom walked in and stared at us like we were mad. She stood at the door till all of us had calmed down.

"Rydel hit me with a pillow Mommy" Lynn said. That was the first time she had ever called mom her Mom and Mom was extremely happy to hear this. Her eyes popped out of her head as she walked up to Lynn and gave her a tight hug. Lynn make fake choking noises making all five off us crack up again. Lynn still hadn't put clothes on so she pulled on Nevaeh's shirt.

"My clothesss" Lynn whined.

"Can I?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, I wanna wear my bunny sweater, Nev has it" Lynn said pointing to Nevaeh.

Lynn ran to Nevaeh and pulled the clothes out of her hand, then gave them to Mom. Mom got on her knees and helped Lynn out them on. Lynn chirped happily and when she was ready she asked Mom to do her hair. When she was done she gave Mom a kiss on the cheek and I took a photo and posted it on Twitter. 2 seconds later, I got a ton of questions asking who she was. We hadn't told our fans we had adopted them. We were telling them on our first show.

"Where are we going today?" Mom asked.

"After filming, I was thinking the London dungeons then a nice restaurant. Nothing too much" Nevaeh suggested.

"Sure" mom said. "I'll go tell your father that." She said walking out the room. I checked the time and saw it was 7. Rydel went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth and had a shower. She soon unlocked her door, and didn't walk out meaning she was doing her make up. The girls probably didn't know this so Nevaeh got up and walked to the bathroom door. There she swung the door open and saw Rydel putting on some eye shadow.

"Make up??" Nevaeh exclaimed as though she was ... Disgusted?

"Yeah?" Rydel said.

"Damn, sorry, that was rude, but I hate make up! It's a fake up that covers your natural beauty." Nevaeh said.

"I'm sorry I didn't know you hate makeup, I'll wipe it off" Rydel said picking up some cotton.

"No it's cool, leave it, you are a girl" she said. We all waited for Rydel to finish before we made our way down for breakfast. We still had a long day ahead of us...

Hey guys,

First of all this chapter is dedicated to @LazorMasterR5! Thanks for your support.

Second, I'm exhausted my aunt got a new house and we had to help paint it all and stuff I still have paint all over my hands.

-do you want anymore drama or should we just relax for a bit?

That's all I have to say at the moment. I'm tired I need to go to bed.


-Cin ❤️

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