Chapter Nine

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Waking up, my body felt a bit lighter than it had in a long time. As long as I could remember, even. The stress of the world seemed to have lifted from my shoulders a bit and it felt as if more air was able to fill my lungs. Everything was alright. I could do this. 

Judging by the light that filtered in through window, it was still early. I stretched and rolled over when I hit something, or someone. I couldn't help the embarrassing squeak that came from me when I realized it was Prince Liam whom I had rolled over on. 

"Good morning," he said in a voice still husky from sleep. His arms encircled me and pulled me against his hard, bare chest. "You look beautiful."

My heart fluttered and my stomach turned at how adorable he was in the mornings. His brown hair was growing a bit long and was beginning to wave more than normal. It was messy in a way that spoke of a good night's rest and his eyes were more dark chocolate and honey than milk chocolate and gold. The daily worries of being a ruler had yet to pull at his face and he seemed years younger. So boyish.

I realized I had been staring while he stared back and my cheeks burned. "I-I should get going," I mumbled and attempted to pull away from him. I hoped to gain my senses back once there was some sort of distance between us. 

Liam, on the other hand, seemed to have no such problems with me pressed against his bare chest first thing in the morning. "And just where do you think you're going this early? And without breakfast," he added with a crooked smirk.

I was forced to swallow the lump in my throat in order to regain my voice. "I need to meet with the boys and figure out what they've heard, if anything. We need to come up with a solid plan of what we are going to do in order to stop the council."

"Ugh," Liam groaned and rolled us both over so that he was now atop me. "I don't see why you cannot simply be content to hide in this room for the rest of eternity with me." I knew he was only joking with me, but the sad look in his eyes was making it incredibly hard for me to refuse him anything he wanted. "I assure you I would be much more entertaining," he mumbled as he lightly nipped at my neck. 

It took me several long moments for my mind to begin to work once more. Yes, I had spent nights with Peter but he always slept away from me. I was not used to having a man in the same bed as me. Of course, Liam had slept in my bed once before but hadn't just been sleeping this time, either. Remembering last night causing my cheeks to burn redder. Liam pinned my hands beside my head so that I couldn't cover them. "W-we have work to do," I persisted. 

His lips grazed mine just enough for me to be aware of their touch without actually feeling them. "Are you saying you wouldn't like to stay here with me?" He purred. 

"Liam," I whispered as my eyes fell closed. I had resigned myself to whatever he had decided on for the two of us. My brain was foggy from his touch and my body tingled wherever his fingers trailed. Fighting him would do me no good - especially when I was happy to be exactly where I was. 

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Liam and I froze, waiting to see who it was. 

"Bayley? I need to speak with you about something important." Prince Zayn sounded a bit frantic as he began to knock once more. 

I pushed Liam back and ran to the mirror in the corner of my room. I braided my long hair quickly and made sure my clothes weren't wrinkled messy from having slept in them. When I turned towards the door, Liam pulled his shirt back over his head and sat on my bed as if nothing was amiss. Knowing there was nothing to be done about him, I opened the door.

"Bayley," Zayn sighed, running his fingers through his black hair. "One of the guards I have employed me just came to me. He said that a thief was arrested this morning in the marketplace. I'm unsure who it was, but I believe it may have been one of your friends."

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